
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Benchmark Politics Cals NJ for Hillary 64-36

This is what their initial pre election benchmark said too.

It wasn't clear what effect last night's AP call would be. Would it make Hillary supporters complacent or discourage Berners?

Based on what same campaign workers were saying in New Jersey today, I didn't think it would make Hillary bots complacent.

None of those I've spoken to today have been complacent either. We're determined to claim her mandate.

The voting tonight so far doesn't show this either. Benchmark Politics:

"Many suspected early AP reporting may have favored Sanders in today's contests.. That is clearly not the case."

Right now, Hillary has a chance at sweeping every district in New Jersey.

“Has Hillary won all the counties in any state? Is there a possibility she will do so in NJ?” — commenter Marcus Maroney"


"Marcus, yes Clinton definitely could win all the counties in New Jersey. It wouldn’t be the first time she won all the counties in a state. For example: Alabama and Mississippi."

When I saw that comment I had thought of Alabama and South Carolina so I was half right.

Meanwhile, Hillary is leading in South Dakota early which if she can hang on would be a Hillary upset.

"Clinton beating benchmarks in SD by quite a bit. We are holding off on making a call until 35% or so."

All this seems to again suggest that the Dems are ready to unify.

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