
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Where's Bernie?

I feel sort of bad wasting a post on Bernie Sanders at this point. He has lost the nomination and lost badly.

In addition, for the most part, I figure why attack him? He has wound down his campaign. Yes, he hasn't formally endorsed Hillary yet but if you have seen what his most diehard supporters are saying, they hardly sound ready for that yet.

But yesterday really put him in a bad light on three issues that have dogged him.

1. His commitment to gun control

2. His commitment to the Democratic party.

3. His ability to be Presidential and rise above the fray. True, he won't be President now, but this sort of confirms that the Dems were smart to see this and not vote for him.

In a day when his fellow Senate Dems stood tall with their 15 hour filibuster for a gun control bill where was Bernie? He was AWOL as usual.

I have to agree, then, with the DailyNewsBin. Bernie has done himself no favors this week.

"This was the week in which Bernie Sanders was planning to extract a few concessions from Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party by playing nice while simultaneously reminding them how much of a distraction he could be if he really wanted to. It was his last ditch effort to find some kind of leverage after a closing few months to his campaign which he’s handled so poorly he has almost no leverage left at all. And it might have worked, if the nation’s narrative hadn’t changed entirely on Sunday."

"Sanders had leaked a list of the final demands he was making to the Democratic Party, absurd things he knows he can’t get, and he was hoping that the media would spend the week playing up the possibility of party divisiveness so that Hillary and the party leaders would panic and give him big concessions just to make it go away. But then came Orlando. The mass shooting was a hate crime, a domestic terrorist attack, a tragic loss of life, and a lot of other profound things. It shifted the nation into suddenly caring about gun control again, quite a lot this time as it turns out, and bumped nearly everything else off the airwaves."

His demands really were absurd.

"Suddenly Bernie’s list of implausible demands was getting no play in the media at all. He might be better off for it, actually, because his list was so self centered and had so little to do with anything that his movement was supposed to be about. He wants rid of superdelegates, even though he lost by nearly four million popular votes, because he’s still pretending that the superdelegates somehow took it away from him. He wants rid of Debbie Wasserman Schultz because he also falsely blames her for his loss. And he wants open primaries across the board, not because that would change anything, but simply because those are the states he did the best in."

He also has it in for Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy-the guy who led yesterday's heroic filibuster.

What I am happy to say is that many Dems are fighting back. There is a petition to make sure the Dems don't destroy the super delegate system for no plausible reason whatsoever other than Bernie's pique.

When I signed that petition two days ago I was the 21st person with a goal of 2000. Now there is a total of 915 people and counting.

We've go this Dems!

Back to Bernie, the fake Dem.

"In other words, faced with almost no leverage left and the ability to make just a few final demands before surrendering, Bernie’s only demands were the things that could boost his own ego and allow him to pretend that he didn’t simply lose in a blowout fair and square. There’s a good chance the media, if it had covered him at all this week, would have lambasted him for such a stunningly small minded move. But either way, his list was aimed at getting him talked about this week at all, keeping him slightly relevant, saving him from being forgotten."

He's kind of confirmed Hillary's point in the primaries that he's not reliable on gun control. He always tells this whopper about losing in 1988 for supporting an assault weapon ban.

What he leaves out is that he flipped his position in 1990-as did the Republican that beat him in 1988.

So in 1990 he was anti assault weapon ban while his GOP opponent who beat him two years ago was then pro assault weapon ban. So the NRA won both those elections.

Clearly Bernie still hasn't found religion on an assault weapon ban.

What this also shows is that he's not a team player on Team Dem. It's tough to argue this guy can be a Democratic party leader even in the future at this rate.

Elizabeth Warren yes. Bernie, no.

Not incidentally, the Wall St. Journal now reports that Hillary's team is officially vetting Warren.

As for Bernie, though, not only is he still as weak as ever on gun control, not only is he not a Democratic party leader-in fact he's a pretty shoddy Democrat overall-but he also shows that he is not Presidential material.

When something like Orlando happens, a President has to focus on that for the next few days and weeks. Other agenda items have to take a back seat.

Clearly, Bernie doesn't do this. He just feels other issues are more important than gun control, terrorism, or hate crimes.

Like breaking up the big banks or razzing Super PACs-though he did have one.

Like when he tried to give a terrorism speech and talked about climate change.

Being President means being President of all the people not just those who agree with you ideologically and you have to be able as Obama puts it to walk and chew gun at the same time.

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