
Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Party of Obama and Hillary not Nina Turner and Bernie Sanders

I say that after watching Nina Turner's absurd rant on Rachel Maddow last night. She more or less claimed that Bernie won even though he didn't.

Bernie is going to Philadelphia she piously declared and the Democrats have to all bow down before St. Bernie.

Maddow said that the Democrats will gain by bringing Bernie into the party. I don't know. It depends at what price.

Not at the price of making it a Left wing Tea Party, a la Bernie Sanders.

Not if we have to give Bernie our soul. The Dems have been a pretty successful party. We've won 4 of 6 Presidential elections, winning the popular vote 5 of 6 times.

I think part of it is what we've been Center Left not Far Left like Nina and Bernie.

Meanwhile. Nina Turner as a woman refused to even acknowledge Hillary's victory. She acts like she and Bernie are these avenging angels who the Democrats must tremble before and do what they tell us to do.

Nope. Bernie lost the election. He gets some input and consideration but doesn't take over. It's Hillary's party not his and it's going to stay that way as this is our party's choice.

I see some positive signs that maybe Bernie is landing the plane now.

Certainly his meeting with Obama is a great sign; that he asked for it is an every greater one.

But let's hope Nina Turner isn't anywhere near the discussions. She is from planet Dead Ender.

My way or the highway is not the right posture for Democrats either.

While I'm ecstatic Hillary is the nominee, this is a long term fight as well. We need to remain the party of Hillary and Obama.

Thankfully Obama is still a young buck and will be around the next eight years.

P.S. If you want the difference between a Bernie party and Hillary party, this piece by Matt Yglesais illustrates it well.

"One of the clearest differences between Clinton's approach and Sanders's is that Bernie's campaign was overwhelmingly focused on a handful of big ideas — rally slogans — while Clinton's was drenched in policy detail. Over the course of the primary, her campaign generated 53 different policy proposals and put out more than 200 pages' worth of text detailing those proposals."

"This was in part a divergent strategic decision on the part of the two campaigns, but it also reflected underlying differences between the candidates. Clinton is someone who, on a personal level, likes to immerse herself in details and at times demonstrated a clearer understanding of the content of Sanders's Wall Street proposals than Sanders himself did."

"Mastery of details didn't matter to everyone — if you believe the existence of private sector health insurance companies is fundamentally immoral, then you're not going to worry so much about the fact that Sanders's cost estimates aren't accurate — but at times it made a real difference. Nobody doubts that on an emotional and intellectual level, Sanders is deeply committed to regulating the financial sector. But the fact remains that behind his speeches about breaking up big banks was a plan that would leave vast swaths of finance unregulated, while Clinton's more nuanced plan covered much more ground."


  1. I felt sorry for Rachael having that woman on her show. That bald white guy with a gray beard (Bernie staffer) they sometimes have on is much more tolerable.

    1. I didn't even watch the show with her, but Sanders is bowing out in a graceful fashion and just making sure progressives, and older general democrats who remember what the party once was before it got shifted so far to the right, keep in the move to bring it back to what it once was.

  2. I think Charles Veitch can relate to what it's like to leave a secular cult:

  3. O/T: as much as I like streiff's anti-Trump stuff, and even appreciate some of his right of center pieces, the man is full on delusional with Hillary (and Obama) Derangement Complex:

    So now he's watching what he acknowledges is Trump-TV (Fox) and decides they're absolutely right: Obama endorsing Hillary "puts the fix in" for Hillary with the FBI. Plus he tries to equate Hillary's email problems with what Aldrich Ames did!

    1. In contrast, Leon Wolf likes to give Obama a good poke in the eye, but he doesn't sound deranged (like streiff does):

    2. Now their bringing Ames up again. More retro 90s.

      It's a change usually they compare it to Petraeus

  4. O/T: plus the hate Kasich at RedState, but do hive him props for a straightforward and clear assessment of Trump:

    Now if only Cruz would man up and do the same. But Cruz is the chosen one over there, so you won't hear any criticism of him on this score. Instead he's praised for his non-answers on the subject... and how "clever" he is.
