
Monday, June 13, 2016

As Always as Usual, Right Uses Terrorism to Demonize Muslims

You see two reactions from the Right in response which are very illuminating, taken together.

1. They claim that this proves Muslims hate gays.

The ex Congressman Joe Walsh said this yesterday. That 'Young liberals don't realize Muslims hate the gays.'

There are some posts out by conservatives that have this same gloating quality.

Aha. The liberals have sold out their gay friends to defend the indefensible homophobia of the Muslims. 

Trump is gloating over Orlando, but he's not the only one.

Breitbart has a piece out this morning linked to on RealClearPolitics:

"The Left Chose Islam Over Gays. Now 100 People Are Dead Or Maimed In Orlando."

Right. Because we can be tolerant of Muslims or of gays but we can't do both. 

This was actually the game Morgan Warstler tried to play with me on Twitter yesterday but in a slightly different form. 

According to him we can stop people on a terrorism watchlist from having firearms but this will hurt Muslims. 

Brilliant attempt at a wedge-not so much. 

Bruce Bawer declares that there is a brutal reality of anti gay teaching in Islam.

But here the conservatives are giving themselves way too much credit. If there is homophobia among Muslims, there is no little bit among Christians. 

No one would feel it is fair to say that all Christians are bigots. 

2. Because the other answer you're seeing from the Right is a refusal to acknowledge that this was a hate crime against the LGBT community.

Most Republicans have refused to talk about the part that this was an LGBT nightclub. They can't even acknowledge it was a hate crime. 

So we have the specter of the Right speaking outside of its mouth. 

1. Wow, Muslims sure have a problem with anti gay bigotry. 

2. What hate crime? What bigotry?

As Amando Marcotte says, bigotry is bigotry no matter what religion you follow.

Monica Heese has it right: it was an attack on a gay nightclub, and all of us. 

The target was a gay nightclub. The target was also all of us."

It's this America of inclusion, of President Obama and Hillary Clinton, that we must aspire to be. 

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