
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Hillary Clinton: Hot Sauce in Her Bag

When Hillary Clinton talked about having 'hot sauce in her bag'-actually not in her bag, but just liking it, of course she got hit for pandering.

"It turns out she lugs around hot sauce! Somebody tell Beyoncé!"

"The Democrat revealed :

"I have been eating a lot of hot sauce – raw peppers and hot sauce… I think it keeps my immune system strong. I really do. I think hot sauce is good for you in moderation."

"In case you aren't familiar, in Bey's hit song Formation, she sings about carrying hot sauce in her bag!"

"However, the radio host was skeptical that Miz Clinton also said this to appeal to Black voters. He said:

"People are gonna see this and say, 'OK, she's pandering to black people."'

The 68-year-old replied:

"OK, is it working?"

"To be fair, the politician has been very vocal about her love of spicy foods since 1992. In fact, she's a huge fan of Texas Pete hot sauce!"

To me even if she was pandering it would be impressive that she had this cultural allusion-that she actually heard Beyonce's Formation.

Tell the truth, I just heard Formation for the first time this morning-I wanted to figure out what all the hype was about. What was it in this song that earned the ire of Piers Morgan-then Morgan's ire earned him the ire of so many on black Twitter.

A meme developed that Piers can't drink our Lemonade. A suggestion came that maybe white people can't drink it-it's meant for black folks, full stop. So I wanted to hear it myself to figure out why this might be.

Honestly, the first time I heard it, I didn't see why it would make either black or white folks so crazy. Remember that SNL skit where after hearing her album Lemonade, white people suddenly realized Beyonce was black.

I had to hear it again while watching the accompanying video to have a better idea why it's supposed to be so controversial. Now I get it better.

As a biracial man I rarely totally agree with either white or black people but to my mind it's a pretty cool song. I'm sure the rest of the album it is pretty cool too.

But if Hillary had been pandering she'd have to have been aware of Formation, which in itself would be pretty impressive. It seems more likely that: she really does like hot sauce. In that she has one over me. I tried a few spicy wings last night-because for some reason they don't have unspicy wings-and again realized: I can't handle the hot. Never have been able to. My Jamaican grandmother used to put it on her scrambled eggs. Even looking at it made my mouth burn.

Speaking of Beyonce, a Daily Beast piece looks at her, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton with the focus being women's evolving relation to success and power.

"Could Hillary Clinton have left Bill after the most public outing of adultery in history? Absolutely. Would that have affected her end game of becoming POTUS? It’s very likely. Beyoncé ’s art and Hillary Clinton’s real life reckoning, played out before the public, are presenting us with new commentary on wives and cheating husbands: The reason a woman chooses to stay in a marriage after her partner’s affair may have changed from financial dependency, or unyielding loyalty, or societal constraints, to staying because (most importantly) it’s good for business and her whole life trajectory."

"When we discuss women living better, freer lives in 2016, and appreciate that women’s lives are evolving, we must also understand that the way women enter and participate in relationships will change as well. We see this example shine brightly every time we admire a photo of President and first lady Barack and Michelle Obama. FLOTUS was undoubtedly cemented in her position as a prominent attorney. In fact, she was Barack’smentor when he was hired one summer at the law firm she was an associate at. And as charming and handsome as she may have thought Barack to be, she also witnessed his brilliant legal mind, his serious and strong work ethic, and that he was headed for success. Michelle met Barack in 1989; he was the first black person to lead the Harvard Law Review, in 1990. Please don’t get it twisted, Michelle Obama did the choosing in that relationship and she did so by leading with her head as much as she was leading with her heart."

"Beyoncé, standing in all her #blackgirlmagic, may not be creating new conversations about relationships, but she is making those conversations more accessible to all, and is certainly presenting them in a new light. She has us talking, our ears buzzing, and our minds expanding with Lemonade. We are learning how the game done changed for women (married or not) wielding power in their own right, and we are all better for it."

I like this argument as we've heard the phony arguments for years that if Hillary were really a feminist she should have had Monica Lewinsky's back. Sure, it's not like Ms. Lewinsky didn't know she was giving another woman's husband a BJ.

Hillary was the only total victim here. Why should she destroy her own future to prove she's a feminist? The very people making this charge were blatant anti feminists. The irony was you had an anti sexist Administration being attacked by sexist GOPers because the President had a zipper problem.

Bear in mind as well, that every single one of Clinton's GOP accusers in Congress then was living in a serious glass house. Newt Gingrich was at the same time carrying on with his own intern who ultimately became his wife, Callista.

Bob Livingston took over for Newt as House Speaker but Larry Flynt got dirt on him and he was gone after 48 hours for his own extra marital affairs. Finally they got Dennis Hastert who was supposed to be squeaky clean.

Turns out he was a chronic child molester. Kind of makes you appreciate what Jesus said: He who is without sin, throw the first stone.

This year Trump is going to again blame the victim and claim Hillary needs to answer for Monica Lewinsky. He also said that she wouldn't have 5 percent of the vote without being a woman.

If she weren't a woman:

1. She would already have been President

2. Wouldn't be required to answer for the infidelity of her-in this case his-spouse.

P.S. Unfortunately I knocked over a glass of orange juice on my Mac keyboard yesterday. The good news is that while this would have shorted out a PC-this happened to me numerous times-it didn't short out the Mac which is much more resistant.

While the computer is still working fine, the spacebar now is pretty stiff and it slows down my roll which I hate.

I'm hoping this doesn't mean I have to buy a new laptop. I'm hoping when I bring it into Best Buy later, they are able to somehow fix the spacebar. I know on the PC they would tell you that there is no way to do it without dismantling the whole mother board.

On the other hand I think I have a warranty on this-I bought it just last July.

Oh well. Worse comes to worse they have some pretty cheap used Macs on Amazon.


  1. My half-brother bought my dad a nice big lap-top a few years back (with a big screen: easy for old people to see...). He and his wife spend their summers up in Tahoe to get out of the heat of the desert, and it's perfect for her cabin up there. It was an HP or Dell or something. Anyway, they had it on a table, opened up pretty much all the time, but they made the mistake of putting a bowl of chocolates or candy or something on a shelf abutted next to the table. Her little dog (a Bichon Frise (literally a "frizzy bitch" ... or so I've heard)) was able to jump up on this table from the couch, and was doing her best to get at that candy... her back legs clawing at my dad's keyboard for traction. She stripped off about a dozen or more keys in the process, and there's just no way to get them back on, as far as we can tell.

    1. They'd be better off just getting a new laptop-it'd be cheaper. I went to Best Buy to see if my warranty covered this. What a shock-it didn't.

      So I ordered a refurbished mac last night for over $200. And wouldn't you know it-today the spacebar seems to be acting a little better.

      Can't win for losing...

    2. Yeah, he already did. You can still use the old one because you can still get the characters to print where the keys are missing... it's just a pain. Or just plug in a separate keyboard.

    3. ... it's one of those things you'd have never imagined a little dog would do: destroy your laptop.

  2. I'm a Bill Maher fan. He's not a huge Hillary fan, however, he keeps telling his audience "If you can't get the fish, then take the chicken" meaning he'd prefer Bernie, but he's not going to NOT support Hillary. A good practical message I think. Plus he doesn't have delusions about Bernie's chances.

    But he does come up with some funny bits... one thing that annoys him about Hillary has nothing to do with her qualifications, and frankly it doesn't bother me a bit: and that's her laugh. On a recent show he seemed like he'd made peace with HRC as the nominee but commented

    "I only wish she'd stop laughing like she just tricked Snow White into eating a poison apple."

    ... that one made me laugh.

    He said something about the hot sauce thing too, but I can't recall what it was.

  3. Yes, give Maher credit for not being 'Bernie or Bust.'

    Still, I can't help but quibble: why does her laugh offend him so? Is it not possible he's projecting a little?

    Again, I wonder how much the opposition to Hillary is gender based.

    1. I don't mind her laugh, but I can see how it could grate on some. Like Ted Cruz's face grates on me. If you're a Cruz guy, you probably don't worry about it... or maybe it bothers you too, but you overlook it. If I was a Cruz guy I'd have to.

      It's not like either one of them can or should try to change that about themselves.

  4. Mike, I have to laugh: all the ads in your banner for this one are for hot sauce today.

    1. ... I bet Hillary could earn some serious Tubman's by marketing her own brand. Hmmm...

    2. Ie, it's doing it's job in putting up relevant ads! LOL

      Feel free to buy some if you like. Or if you dont do hot sauce-as I don't-buy something else.

      If you need it. LOL

      Seemed an opportune time to remind all my readers that if they like this blog they are welcome to buy something off Amazon to help the effort. LOL

    3. Mike, I'll keep that in mind. Do you suppose they sell "Make America Great Again" hats? I'd be proud to buy one through your website. =) ... I'm going to need to buy at least one. Maybe two.

    4. ... my plan for doctoring the one I'll give to my friend who re-registered Republican just so he could vote for Donald:

      1. A couple of fake blonde hairs stuck to the inside.
      2. Residue of orange spray-tan on the inside rim.
      3. A hint of some very very classy cologne.

      I want him to imagine he can feel Donald's presence when he puts it on.

  5. Mike, I didn't click on the ads till now... looks like I was way late on my idea.

    This one too.

  6. Holy crap Mike! What have I done?... I didn't realize those hats were $25 bucks a piece! Shoot... oh well, I'm on the line for at least one of them, but I may look into making my own at this point. My lifetime personal hat budget is probably shy of $50. Don't worry, I'll shop for the raw ingredients (red hate + lettering) through your link to Amazon.

  7. What I mean is if you want to buy something from Amazon, just click a link from here.

    You've inspired me to write a post about it.

    1. Oh, I did do that. That's what led me to that page of hats (via your page then via Amazon).

  8. Here is the new post
