
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Maybe Roger Stone Can Reason With Trump on His Tax Returns

Paul Waldman called for some sympathy for those whose job it is to defend Donald Trump's latest mess. Cleanup on aisle 4!

But this got me to thinking about Trump's buddy Roger Stone. Yesterday Stone defended Trump's impersonating his own PR guy-'John Miller'- by arguing that many of the Founding Fathers used pseudonyms. 

"You don’t say?

"Odious Trump hitman, Roger Stone, is coming clean with what everybody already knew, anyway."

Roger Stone-the odious Trump hitman-also 'suggested'-as these are all just suggestions with Mr. Trump that 'maybe' Trump should take away CNN's license after he's President.

It occurs to me, that it's not as hard for Stone to defend Trump as it may be for others. After all, Stone was also Nixon's guy. Nixon would have liked the idea of taking away a news organization if they were on his enemies list. 

What a coincidence-Trump also has an enemies list. 

Roger Stone is an old hand at defending the indefensible. 

Which is what makes me think he could just be the guy to have that talk with Trump: that he needs to release his tax returns. After all, Stone was there with Tricky Dick. Nixon was being audited but he released them. 

He wanted to reassure us that he was not a crook. And what did this reveal? That Nixon owed the IRS $500,000...

Speaking of which, Trump has taken a tax credit the last three years only available to those who make less than $500,000 per year. Hmmm.


  1. Mike, years ago, when I first dared look at RedState (with a curiosity normally reserved for traffic accidents) I noticed "Bill S" was a moderator, and he'd often provide the final response to a comment along the lines of "Ok, troll, that's it: you're done here." In other words he's been a moderator there a long time, and doesn't have much patience for any shenanigans (he'd ban people in a jiffy).

    I was surprised to see his comments here:

    Basically he, another couple of commentators, and the author of the post are saying:

    "We are done with the Republican party. If Ted Cruz want's to continue to get our support, he must leave the party. The party is now corrupted with antisemites, alt-right racists, Trumpsters, Palinites and Huckabee scum. If you're a Republican, you're lending your support to a corrupt brand, and you cannot be supported." (paraphrasing).

    And despite their whiny tone (Obama is always labeled an "extremist" by these purists) I'm overjoyed to see those sentiments expressed! That's a pretty "extreme" position they have, and it's more than I could have hoped for. Great! They won't even vote for Republicans they LIKE now simply because they are Republicans. Wonderful!

    I was only vaguely aware of this "alt-right" phenomena they're all complaining about. I read some bickering back and forth today between the ex-paleocon, ex-Ron Paul & Rand Paul campaign staffer and ex-Southern Avenger Jack Hunter (who I found myself agreeing with largely, to my surprise), and a gay "black cock loving" [he brags about more experience in that department than the entire Kardashian clan has] bleached hair sporting alt-right writer by the name of Milo Yiannopoulos (who writes at Breitbart I guess). What a head spinning crazy unsettling right wing underbelly that is!

    When I Googled Milo, the second suggested completion to his name was "ucsb" (which is that link I gave you)... my alma mater, which I still live right next door to. I guess he'll be here in person on the 26th of this month to explain why feminism is a "cancer," and at least one person isn't happy about that.

    Wow, I learn something everyday, that's for sure.
