
Saturday, May 21, 2016

What Does Trump Pay in Taxes? The Answer is Nothing

As the Godfather once put it: the answer is nothing.

As Rebecca Sinderbrand points out:

"How much Trump paid in taxes in returns that have already been made public: $0.00."

The question is has he ever paid any taxes?

"The last time information from Donald Trump’s income-tax returns was made public, the bottom line was striking: He had paid the federal government $0 in income taxes."

"The disclosure, in a 1981 report by New Jersey gambling regulators, revealed that the wealthy Manhattan investor had for at least two years in the late 1970s taken advantage of a tax-code provision popular with developers that allowed him to report negative income."

"Today, as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Trump regularly denounces corporate executives for using loopholes and “false deductions” to “get away with murder” when it comes to avoiding taxes."

“They make a fortune. They pay no tax,” Trump said last year on CBS. “It’s ridiculous, okay?”

"The contrast highlights a potentially awkward challenge for Trump."

"He has built a political identity around his reputation as a financial whiz, even bragging about his ability to game the tax code to pay as little as possible to the government — a practice he has called the “American way.” Moreover, he has aggressively pursued tax breaks and other government supports to bolster his real estate empire. But that history threatens to collide with his efforts to woo working-class voters who resent that they often pay higher tax rates than the wealthy who benefit from special loopholes."

"Trump’s personal taxes are a mystery. He has refused to release any recent returns, meaning the public cannot see how much money he makes, how much he gives to charity and how aggressively he uses deductions, shelters and other tactics to shrink his tax bill."

1. Charity: take the under

2. Taxes: take the under

3. How much money he has: take the under

4. How many women who have filed lawsuits against him: take the over.

"Trump, who said last week on ABC that his tax rate is “none of your business,” would be the first major-party nominee in 40 years to not release his returns."

"In an interview this week, Trump said that he has paid “substantial” taxes but declined to provide specifics."

"He reiterated that he fights “very hard to pay as little tax as possible.”

“One of the reasons is because the government takes your money and wastes it in the Middle East and all over the place,” he said.

So being a tax cheat is a selling point? Why didn't Richard Nixon think of that. He assured us he wasn't a crook. Trump is running on being a crook. By all means, I'm the fox so you know I will successfully guard the henhouse.

Yet, he wanted Romney to release his taxes and is requiring potential VP candidates to show Trump their taxes.


  1. Have you heard of this man: Sean Faircloth? He brings up a lot of stuff here that enrages me:

  2. Enrages?! I'm curious what exactly 'enrages' Tom Brown. LOL

    I guess Theists enrage him.

  3. Ok, I just checked it out. Pretty good guess on my part if I must say so. LOL

    1. that same one has one on why churches should not be tax exempt. "enrage" is a little strong I guess, but I can feel myself getting hotter while thinking about the deception going on there: "God needs this money to do good in the world"... but instead it's spent on politics, marketing, recruiting, real estate and buildings... or in some cases personal fortunes... and our government subsidizes that by exempting these organizations from child safety laws, paying taxes, or other regulations.

      Pretty much all governments do similar things I guess... so I should keep that in mind before getting too "enraged."

    2. Here's some examples that really burn me:
      1. Using tax exempt status to promote creationism in school.
      2. Exemption from child endangerment for families that believe in faith healing.
      3. Anti-condom campaigns in Africa (where the condoms were originally distributed to prevent AIDS). And again, a tax exemption for spreading doing actual harm here.
      4. Exporting fundamentalism in the form of the death-for-being gay laws in Uganda, or the support of religious charlatans that promote the killing of children for being witches.

  4. Here is my Devils' Advocate or should I say God's Advocate case for not taxing churches. I don't have a strong view either way.

    But if-and this is a big if-you can argue that on net, churches offer an overall social benefit then it could be justified.

    Obviously I have no use for the various uses some fundamentalist churches might put it towards.
