
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Donald Trump is not Going to Call Jeb Bush Low Energy, He Won't Say it

A GOP in tatters. Party Unity My Ass: PUMA. The GOP Civil War.

This is a been a party that in the last year has been able to agree on so very little. For 6 years simple scorched earth opposition to Obama was the thin reed that gave the party a semblance of unity.

Those days are over. They have been able to achieve unity on nothing else. Why would we expect to be uniting around a Presidential nominee to be any different?

"Donald Trump on Tuesday night assumed the mantle of presumptive nominee and declared: “We want to bring unity to the Republican Party. We have to bring unity.”

"Three days later, the GOP is tearing itself apart."

"Friday brought another day of incredible division and revolt with Jeb Bush and Lindsey Graham falling in line not behind Trump, but behind House Speaker Paul Ryan, who said a day earlier that he cannot yet support the brash real estate mogul as his party’s standard-bearer."

"Trump, instead of trying to make peace, lashed out."

"He fired off a vicious statement, calling Graham an “embarrassment” with “zero credibility.”

"Then he laced into both of his former rivals during his rally in Omaha, Nebraska, where he is continuing to campaign ahead of Tuesday’s primary, despite having vanquished the rest of the GOP field."

“But I won’t talk about Jeb Bush. I will not say — I will not say he’s low energy. I will not say it,” Trump told a boisterous crowd who booed at the mention of his critics. “I will not say it. And I won’t talk about Lindsey Graham, who had like 1 point, you ever see this guy on television? He is nasty. … He leaves a disgrace, he can’t represent the people of South Carolina well.”

"Trump also alternated on Friday between shrugging off Ryan’s bombshell announcement and scorching him."

Read more:

Seeing all this, maybe my theory in my last post that Hillary is right to basically say 'America is already great and I'm not Trump' is not such a bad message. To be sure she will also emphasize her own experience and competence.

But why not let Trump do the heavy lifting? If you're in the ring against a guy who will punch himself out, why not let him? Why would you insist on stopping him so that you can knock him out yourself-even if you can?


  1. Jennifer Rubin agrees with you about the heavy lifting here:

    That's a pretty good one by her.

  2. I got to say her every reason is right on the money. Number 7 sums it all up.

  3. Jennifer Rubin's post inspired a new post from me.

    The key to beating Trump is to just stand back and let him punch himself out
