
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Mormons for Hillary Clinton?

The last week has shown Hillary gaining some momentum. Yesterday she was up by six in a Survey Monkey poll. Later a Bloomberg poll came up where she leads by 12.

Tom Brown says he hopes she doesn't lead by more than that before the convention. Sumner talked about that a few weeks ago. It makes you kind of torn.

1. It's very gratifying to see how badly she, Obama and the other Dems are beating him up.

2. But you worry at some point the referee stops the fight.

Rush Limbaugh pointed out that Bob Dole trailed by almost 20 points before the 1996 convention. But that was Dole who may have been a boring loser but who wasn't going to take down the entire Senate-where he was Majority Leader.

Now we hear that

"A former Republican senator is endorsing Hillary Clinton for president after the mass shooting in Orlando, citing her support for gun control."

"Former Sen. Larry Pressler (R-S.D.) called for universal background checks on all gun sales and an assault weapons ban Monday in the wake of the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history."

“I can’t believe I’m endorsing Hillary Clinton for president, but I am,” said Pressler, who spoke with The Hill on Monday after endorsing Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, in a statement issued over the weekend.

“This morning, I woke up and told my wife, ‘Did I really do that?’ ” he said. "But I did.

“If someone had told me 10 years ago I would do this, I wouldn’t have believed them."

"But gun control isn’t the only reason why Pressler is ready to join “Republicans for Clinton” — he’s also concerned about Trump’s rhetoric on Muslims."

“This election is starting to sound like the German elections in [the late 1920s],” Pressler said. “This is a very dangerous national conversation we’re slipping into.”

"Pressler, a Mormon Sunday school teacher, said he understands all too well the dangers of singling out a particular religious group."

"In 1838, Missouri Gov. Lilburn Boggs ordered Mormons to be killed, which forced many to leave the state before eventually resettling in Salt Lake City, Utah."

Trump makes “Mormons very nervous,” Pressler said.

"Mormons are the only religious group besides the Jews who have been ordered by the government to be extinguished, killed,” he said.

“The worst thing is for Republicans to be silent,” Pressler added. “A lot of Republicans are just saying, ‘I’ll sit it out, I won’t vote.’ Or, ‘I’ll vote for a third-party candidate.’ But if they don’t vote, they are giving more power to dark forces.”

It turns out though that as a Mormon, Pressler is worried about Trump's attack on Muslims-as he knows that he too is from a minority religion: a lot of his fellow Republicans don't even believe Mormons are really Christian.

There are now three recent Utah polls that show it a dead heat.

Maybe this is a common worry among Mormons in the state of Utah. We have the very famous Mormon in Mitt Romney who is refusing to support Donald Trump.

Now have yet another Utah poll showing this a dead heat. This is the third in a row.

Who would ever have believed Hillary Clinton-something of a Scarlet Woman for Utah's Mormons-would be neck and neck in Utah?

If the Republican party loses Utah in a general election! I'd be interested to know the last time this has happened-can't be recent.

It turns out the answer is: 1964. So if they were scared of Barry Goldwater, what must they think of Donald Trump?

Trump is a lot less qualified than Goldwater was-though people were right to be spooked by him.


  1. Hillary Clinton is well qualified, and will be an excellent president.

  2. Hillary Clinton is well qualified, and will be an excellent president.

  3. Indeed. As Obama says, she is one of the most qualified candidates ever.

    I'm certainly looking forward to it.
