
Sunday, June 5, 2016

Hillary has Outside Shot to Reach 2383 Today

She is now at 2330 and just 53 delegates from 2383 as the votes are being counted in Puerto Rico.

As Puerto Rico is worth 60 delegates, she could, in theory clinch today if Bernie fails to qualify in PR.

"After the Virgin Islands results and new superdel commitments, HRC is now just 54 dels short of 2383, per NBC count."

This is an outside shot, to be sure. What is clear is that she is going to win PR with a very strong margin.

At this point she is leading about 65-35.

Meanwhile, the LA Times endorses Hillary Clinton. As they rightly acknowledge, she is the better candidate to go up against Trump, these hypothetical polls Bernie points to, notwithstanding.

"The editorial board for the Los Angeles Times encouraged California voters to cast their ballots Tuesday for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the state's primary contest."

"The board argued that Clinton was more prepared for the presidency than Sanders, while also noting that the Vermont senator had "captured the imagination of many Democrats."

"Voters in California’s Democratic primary owe a debt of gratitude to Bernie Sanders for a campaign that has emphasized issues that otherwise might have been ignored," the board wrote. "But they should cast their votes for Hillary Clinton."

The beauty of Hillary Clinton is she's been vetted every way to Sunday over 25 years. Americans have a good idea who she is.

If it were Bernie-Trump then Bernie would require the sort of vetting Trump is getting. Americans still know very little about Bernie Sanders other than he likes to give long lecturing speeches that go on and on saying the same thing.

Note that Hillary will clinch by Tuesday night whether you count SDs or not-not that there's any reason not to count them. You don't change the rules in the middle of the game.

But even just counting pledged delegates, Hillary will reach the 2026 that would require. It's a new standard. Obama didn't get 50.1 percent of PDs and a number of Dem nominees haven't.

The good news: Jesse Jackson who was where Bernie was in 1988 is speaking to Bernie and urging him very strongly to get behind Hillary after she wins officially.

I do believe, actually, that he will soon after Tuesday night. As Yglesais says, there won't be much choice as the few Establishment Dems who have supported him like Keith Ellison will declare the contest over and the hardcore Berners will lose interest.

And Bernie does not want to be a Ralph Nader spoiler. He has said this-and he himself doesn't even take Nader's phone calls anymore. No one does post 2000.

If Bernie wants any influence and standing after this primary, it will have to be in the party. He becomes irrelevant otherwise.


  1. Mike, in that twitter link you give at the top did you notice people are putting their own names in multiple parentheses? Like this: (((Tom Brown))). Steve Berman (cultural/ethnic Jew, theological Christian) at TheResurgent wrote a piece the other day describing himself as a "cuckservative" which is the alt-right insult for people like him ("Jew/Israel loving" anti-Trump conservatives). It implies that he's willing to let "lower races" mix their blood with the blood of white people: something conspiracy whackadoodles of the alt-right are always blaming Jews for encouraging. He pointed out the multiple parentheses enclosing a name is often put around the last name to highlight it sounding Jewish. Steve embraced the attempted insult and put his own name in such parentheses as well as described himself as a cuckservative: I guess to own it and to show his disdain for the alt-right.

    The only other time I've seen that is to indicate a hug: you put somebody else's name in multiple parentheses to indicate you're hugging them.

    Now regarding your post, something about the figures in the 1st couple of lines seems off: does she need 53 or 54 more delegates to win?

    Also, didn't she need 67 as of yesterday (prior to V.I. being counted)? You said she won 6 of 7 pledged delegates yesterday with the other 5 superdelegates from V.I. to be determined sometime later. So at the very best she could have won 11 delegates, right? So that would put her at needing 56 more. Did Hillary pick up a few extra delegates outside of the V.I. caucus somewhere between then and now?

  2. She picked up 6 more SDs today as Mark Murray announced. I believe I linked to him.

    Right now she has about 70 percent of the PR vote so with 60 delegates in play that should give her 42 more delegates and leave her just 12 short of 2383

  3. I've seen the (((( )))) thing a lot. Matt Yglesias got some anti Semite tweets from Trumpsters and complained that at least they should give him some brackets.

    Harry Enten and others is now doing what you said-using the brackets to express solidarity

  4. One other point Tom: Hillary did win all 7 delegates in the Virgin Islands after all.
