
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Hillary and Trump Tied Among White Women

For those who are wringing hands and wetting beds here is some good news:

"HILLARY HOLDS SMALL NATIONAL LEAD, POLL FINDS: Anew Quinnipiac poll finds Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by 45-41 among registered voters nationwide. On the issues, voters say by…"

"52-41 percent that Trump would be better creating jobs; 51-43 percent that Clinton would be better handling immigration; 49-41 percent that Trump would be more effective handling ISIS; 53-40 percent that Clinton would better respond to an international crisis; 46 percent would trust Clinton more on sending U.S. troops overseas, while 44 percent would trust Trump more; 55-33 percent would trust Clinton more to make the right decisions regarding nuclear weapons; 48-45 percent that Clinton would do a better job getting things done in Washington."

"This overall finding is actually in line with the polling averages, which show Clinton up 43-41. Let’s see what happens when Dems coalesce behind her."

* CLINTON TIES TRUMP AMONG WHITE WOMEN: Here’s a finding in the new Quinnipiac poll that’s worth keeping an eye on: Clinton and Trump are roughly tied among white women, 40-41."

"This is supposed to be a GOP-leaning constituency that Trump is actively courting, and if this is accurate, it could complicate Trump’s hopes of surfing a wave of white backlash into the White House."

This is something that kind of hand wringing that Reverend Al Sharpton engaged in yesterday misses the point.
Hillary doesn't need to out Trump Trump. She needs to be the grownup, serious alternative to him. This is what many white female voters of a certain age want. 
Hillary needs the Jennifer Rubins of the world-which she's doing a decent job of winning over right now. 
Hillary also leads Bernie in the Quinnipiac poll, 53-39 which is in line with the actual voting in the primary. 
People who think her style is a problem can't explain how she beat Bernie. Running as the non-crazy, non Hitler 2.0 pragmatist who can actually heal our country and get things done rather than just talk about it has a core constituency. She has received more votes than either Bernie or Trump so someone is buying what she's selling. 
If she can beat Bernie why can't she beat Trump? 
But for Trump to actually be losing white women is rather shocking and some bad news for him. 

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