
Friday, June 3, 2016

Donald Trump: Mexican Judges Need not Apply

Donald Trump would literally pushback anti-discrimination law back years. His attack on his Trump U judge as a 'Mexican' makes this clear.

The truth is that this judge was born in Indiana. He was born in Mexico in the same way that Trump U was a real university or Trump is a real Presidential candidate.

But to say the judge is not qualified because he's a Mexican is blatant discrimination.

“Judge Curiel and his family epitomize the American Dream,” Lorella Praeli, Clinton’s director of Latino outreach, said in a statement Friday morning. Praeli also highlighted the federal judge's successful legal career and his brother’s service in Vietnam.

“The fact that Donald Trump doesn't see Judge Curiel and his family as Americans makes him unfit to be President of this great nation, a nation of immigrants,” she said in the statement. “In Trump's version of America, this Latino family isn't really American.”

"The billionaire has repeatedly attacked Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding over two high-profile lawsuits over his failed Trump University venture, as a “Trump hater” and claimed the Indiana-born judge’s “Mexican” heritage constitutes “an inherent conflict of interest” in the case."

Conflict of interest because of his heritage? This reminds us of Trump's desire to end birthright citizenship. When I and others talk about the idea that Trump represents an extinction like event for the Republic, it is not hyperbole.

He basically has signaled that he doesn't believe in our very principle of American citizenship. Being an American is not about where who you parents or grandparents were. It's not about heritage and blood.

Trump is showing that he's the one not a true American.

Nor is this the first time. Trump has a long history of discrimination. His buildings have run afoul of the federal housing authority by refusing to accept black tenants.

He says that his Vice Presidential candidate will be a white male-otherwise it's 'pandering.'

What he calls political correctness is simply anti racism and anti discrimination

1 comment:

  1. RedState points out that Megyn Kelly nailed it here:
