
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Hitler 2.0 and a Draft Dodger Too

Trump continues to call out the 'sleazy media' but really, he is the sleaze. Indeed he calls Hillary out as crooked but he's the crook.

What's clear is Trump lied to America back in January when he claimed to be doing an alternative event for the veterans meant to raise money for them. He didn't raise a dime that night or contribute anything himself.

1. Trump said, on the night of the event, that he had raised $6 million for veterans groups. This from a CNN report of the speech:

"He did it Thursday night, dazzling a crowd of hundreds of enthusiastic supporters by announcing that he had raised more than $6 million for veterans in one day — $1 million of it from his own checkbook. "We love our vets," he said.

2. Trump made the $1 million personal donation to veterans groups a week ago and only after WaPo's David Fahrenthold did a deep dive into where the promised money went. That was four months after the speech/fundraiser where Trump trumpeted that he had donated the money.

"What you saw this morning at Trump Tower was the press at its best, not at its worst, as Trump said over and over again."

"If he said he raised/donated $6 million to charity for veterans group — the support of which he has put at the center of his campaign — then the media's job, LITERALLY OUR JOB, is to find out who he gave to and how much. Simply taking Trump at his word — "I'm accountable," he insisted Monday — isn't good enough."

"Ask yourself this: Would you be okay with Hillary Clinton being allowed to skate with her "trust me I did the right thing" explanation (I am paraphrasing) on her email server? Would you be okay with the media simply taking her word for it that all of the emails she deleted and didn't turn over to the State Department were totally personal in nature? Or that the sole reason she set up the server was for "convenience" sake?"

"No, you wouldn't."

If the media really deserves these accolades this should not be the last time they ever mention this either.

Of course, as Cillizza doesn't admit, the media has always been much tougher on Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump.

After all, she has released 33 years of taxes and he's released zero on the justification of 'There's nothing of interest in my taxes and I'm being audited.'

If Hillary Clinton tried this, the media would simply say she can't be President. They'd hound her every second of the day over her taxes. There'd be tv specials and op eds all day and night speculating on her taxes.

Trump's performance yesterday was doubly shameful. It was the day after Memorial Day that he continued to lie about donations to the vets.

And this coming from a dedicated draft dodger who jokes about venereal disease being his personal Vietnam. While poor boys were being shot at, he was engaging in his serial conquests.

When Trump had his chance to join the military and fight in Vietnam, he did not take it. Instead, the rich kid got multiple student deferments from the draft and a medical deferment. Meanwhile, men like John McCain were being tortured as prisoners of war, but Trump has said that is dishonorable. ’

“He’s not a war hero,” Trump said of McCain last year. “He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured, OK?”

It’s in line with how Trump treated veterans before he started running for president.
"In the 1980s, Trump tried to have disabled veteran street vendors thrown off Fifth Avenue, accusing the Vietnam-era soldiers of ruining how the street in front of Trump Tower looked."

"Trump has suggested he would be tremendous for veterans if elected president, but his efforts so far have been questionable."


  1. Rubin agrees with Leon Wolf and Erick Erickson: Trump was probably so frosted because he was forced to cough up the money:

  2. I think there's a lot to that! LOL
