
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Jeb Bush Lashes Out at GOP Base Over Trump

     He doesn't think his own base likes compromise very much:

     "The Jeb Bush experiment continues to be fascinating to watch. As you may recall, Bush said not long ago that a GOP presidential candidate needs to be prepared to lose the primary in order to win the general election — implicitly suggesting that he will not fall victim to the dynamic that claimed Mitt Romney."

     "Here’s the latest example of Jeb Bush employing that strategy: He audaciously suggested that as a general matter, GOP primary voters are hostile to compromise. The New York Times reports on a Bush appearance in Orlando, Florida:

   “We need men and women of good will forging consensus, starting to solve problems, kind of building back the muscles of consensus, compromise and solution-finding to fix these things,” Mr. Bush told a group of businesspeople here, lamenting what he called a paralyzed democracy.

   “Apparently that is dangerous in a Republican primary,” he added, “but it’s what I believe.”

    "The overriding issue facing the next president, Mr. Bush argued, is finding “a way to reweave the web of civility” before progress on substantive issues can be made. “That is going to be first, second, third, fourth priority because everything falls into place once you get that done,” he said at a pastors’ luncheon."

    "It’s not clear whether this politically perilous advocacy in favor of compromise was intended as a joke. But either way, the polling actually lends some support to this idea. A Pew survey late last year found that two-thirds of Republicans want GOP leaders to stand up to Obama even if less gets done, while a majority of Democrats wants Obama to work with Republicans. Andan NBC/WSJ poll from last January found that a plurality of Republicans think the Congressional GOP has been too willing to compromise with Obama."

   Don't get me wrong, Jeb's criticism is accurate but how is this going to endear him to the base that he still needs to win? I would argue that if you want to bring back civility then vote for the Democrats. vote for Hillary.

   Seriously, prior to the 1994 GOP takeover of Congress, it was a much more civil place. This is why I'm a partisan-to get civility 'bipartisanship' is a losing proposition if both sides don't  want it.

   P.S. I am off to England my dear readers, to see my cousin get married. I'm leaving in just two hours to get to the airport.

  Don't get me wrong-you know me, if I there is a way to write some posts I will find it-I'm presuming they have wifi in Merry Ole England-which is the home of my birth.

  But my blogging might be cut into at least some maybe even a lot. Don't get me wrong I have another post after this planned-before going to the airport and while I'll physically be at the wedding Thursday, I'll try to get online and get some posts out. I'll be back Sunday night and then its business as usual on Monday.

  Thankfully as I like business as usual which may put me in the minority. 


  1. Ah the good old days of civility when Democrats controlled all and media solemnly covered impartially. There is a rebellion against authoritarianism afoot. That is a good thing. Let liberty and its sibling creativity be ascendent.

  2. No argument from me James. I'm all for what Trump's doing
