
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Rush Limbaugh: Trump Resonates

     Agreed. He resonates with everyone except the GOP establishment.

     "So what we're seeing is this:

    1. The GOP base loves Trump

    2. Democrats like me love Trump

    3. Moderate Republicans like Bartlett love Trump.

    4. However, the GOP establishment emphatically does not love Trump.

    As I argued in my last post, Trump's glass jaw is probably his history of verbal diarrhea-it's both his strength and his weakness-where he's often praised Hillary. President Obama, and indeed Democratic policies.

   It isn't even difficult to make the case that he's not a conservative-there is very little he's said policy wise to show that he is.

   Still, even this may not work. The truth is the base is really sick of the establishment and even the bloody shirt of 'He's a liberal Democratic plant' may not be enough to slow him. He is on record for his birtherism in 2012 and he is on record for insulting Mexicans and this may end up mattering more to the base than what he said in 2004.

  That's my hope anyway. I think Rush Limbaugh is as good a bellwether of Tea Party opinion as you're going to find. Based on that, things continue to go very well for Trump:

 "Republicans and Democrats hope to exorcise its explosion by telling the public that Trump's remarks on immigration and on the character of fellow member John McCain ... place him outside the boundaries of their polite society. ... Now what? The continued rise in Trump's poll numbers reminds all that Ross Perot -- in an era that was far more tolerant of the Establishment than is ours -- outdistanced both Bush 41 and Bill Clinton before self-destructing, just by speaking ill of both parties before he self destructed."

  "So what he's saying here is that the ruling class, the Washington establishment, they know they're governing against the will of the people, and they don't care. Especially they don't care when there's no opposition to 'em. Hello, Republican Party going silent. But now somebody like Perot is out attacking them and doing so on the basis of attacking both parties, and it's resonating. Therefore the ruling class knows that they are the minority governing against the will of the majority, and they're sitting atop an explosion waiting to happen."

   Mr. Codevilla writes, "have the greater reason to fear. Whereas some three fifths of Democratic voters approve the conduct of their officials, only about one fifth of Republican voters approve what theirs do. If Americans in general are primed for revolt, Republican (and independent) voters fairly thirst for it. Trump's barest hints about what he opposes (never mind proposes) regarding just a few items on the public agenda have had such effect because they accord with what the public has already concluded about them."

  "In other words, Trump is simply validating what a lot of other people already think and feel. He just happens to be the only one in public running for office saying it. "For example, Trump remarked, off the cuff, that 'Mexico does not send us its best.' The public had long since decided that our ruling class's handling of immigration (not just from Mexico) has done us harm. The ruling class -- officials, corporations, etc. -- booed with generalities but did not try to argue that they had improved America by their handling of immigration."

  Sounds good. Keep up the good work gentlemen. I mean both Trump and Limbaugh-you too Fox News.

  In all seriousness, what's happening is that the base is sick of it's own party'establishment's phoniness. Trump is not saying anything that the establishment doesn't agree with but he's putting it in the wrong way or when you're speaking in public.

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