
Sunday, July 19, 2015

There is no Down Side to the Donald Trump Candidacy

     I have to agree with Huff Post for transferring him from the politics to the entertainment section as he is certainly entertaining.

    But I've come to a change of heart on Trump. When his campaign started I was really sick of all the hyperbole around it-and also it must be said I was tired of Bernie Sanders who is just the conduit of the same white liberals that could never give President Obama a break.

    However, I've now come to a new conclusion: the more Trump the better.  There are 2 things that are very clear now in light of the way he insulted John McCain and then refused to apologize.

    1. For the GOP establishment this is pure agony. He is the last thing they want as he shows the public the side of GOP ideology that is supposed to be private.

   Trump is a nightmare for the GOP in that he isn't playing by the rules of keeping certain tings private. Sure, Republicans hate Mexicans and think they are all drug dealers and rapists but this is not supposed to be said in public.

   In public you come up with a more reasonable respectable premise for demanding that a fence be built. The longer it goes on the better.

   This happens now and again. This is what Todd Akin was about back in 2012-the GOP believes that even women who are raped should be forced to have the rapist's child. They believe that if a woman's life is at stake she should be forced to have the child-on some level a woman is just a vessel for her husband's seed. I say husband because in their world nice women have husbands.

  That's what they believe, but Akin didn't put in in the kind of sanitized terms that were fit for public consumption.

   Yet while he expressed this 'in-eloquently'-his view on substance isn't different from most GOP Congressmen and neither is Trump's.

   So the more Trump talks the more they will be on the spot. Finally they really have called him out but that's because he insulted a senior GOP Senator. ON substance they had no problem with what he said about Mexicans but they just wished he could have cleaned it up.

  2. However, the base loves this especially as they are currently at a very low ebb with all of Obama's latest victories and executive actions. They thought he was a lame duck after their wins last 
November but instead, he's better than ever.

  They are very frustrated and with all their recent setbacks-ACA, gay marriage, Obama's executive actions on overtime pay, private lenders, immigration-to the indignity of them having to take down the Confederate flag they need Trump. He's their consolation prize.

  This is why propriety and message discipline has broken down much to the consternation of the establishment. The base if frustrated and angry and so the private confession is becoming public.

  Democrats should welcome this. They should bring Trump into every conversation they can. He's the GOP's dirty little secret. No reason for Dems to shy away as Trump is for once just telling us how the Republican party really feels.

  If there were no Donald Trump Democrats would have to invent him.



  1. Lol... I love the title especially.

  2. That's what I say. We need people like Trump and Christie and all to show us what these guys are really all about. Well said.

  3. TK and TK for stopping by! Don't be a stranger.
