
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Why Did Working Women Vote For Santorum?

      Ed Schultz was making the point that working women tonight voted overwhelmingly for Santorum-he had 49% while both Romney and Gingrich had in the low 20s.

      Ed wondered how that's possible after all the "eccentric" things Santorum's said about birth control and his having Rush Limbaugh endorse him-what are these women thinking?

     I think Ed was looking at it from the wrong direction. Working women didn't vote for Santorum necessarily for his reactionary positions on birth control or because they liked Rush's attacks on Sandra Fluke.

     It's because Romney's Mr. One Percent. He doesn't understand the issues of the average American, of working people women or men. He's totally clueless and lacking in empathy. Does this sound like someone working women want to vote for?

      This points to Romney's general weakness. Assuming Mr. Inevitable does make it to the general election he's got a big old glass jaw. What you see if you study recent US electoral history, is that candidates that don't connect with voters don't do well, with anyone, working women or other.

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