
Monday, March 12, 2012

Some Perspective on Yglesias Celebrating Breitbart's Death

     As I indicated in my previous post

     I'm not one for dancing on anyone's grave. I fight ideas not men. So while the way Yglesias puts things in saying that society is better off without Breitbart is interesting it also likely over estimates the importance of the man as opposed to the man's work.

     Breitbart's legacy remains and continues. We see this as in his last act he is now smearing Derrick Bell from beyond the grave.

     As usual we have those who attempt to form moral equivalence on some things which just aren't equal. We see it in those who try to draw a parallel between what Rush Limbuagh did to Sandra Fluke and Ed Shultz insulting Laura Ingraham personally or somehow what bill Maher does is supposedly no different than what Rush Limbaugh does.

    Sorry, just not the truth. Shultz for example insulted in Ingraham a woman who lives by the sword in the political and cultural wars. You live by the sword you die by the sword. She has played pretty rough and dirty in her time and when you put up Ed's comments to some things she has said they don't seem so outrageous.

    In the furor over Yglesias with conservatives complaining about those who are speaking ill of the dead, consider what Breitbart said at the time of Senator Ted Kennnedy's death, as pointed out by a commentator at The Money Illusion, who calls himself Socialist AK47:


    "LOL @ conservatives complaining about the reactions to the death of douchebag Andrew Breitbart.
Let’s not forget what Breitbart wrote at the passing of Senator Kennedy:

    "Andrew Breitbart, a Washington Times columnist who oversees and, tapped into the anti-Kennedy vein in the hours after the senator’s death was announced, posting a series of Twitter messages in which he called Kennedy a “villain,” a “duplicitous bastard” and a “prick.”

   “I’m more than willing to go off decorum to ensure THIS MAN is not beatified,” Breitbart wrote. “Sorry, he destroyed lives. And he knew it.”

    I kind of think this disqualifies any conservatives making a big deal out of Yglesias' tweet, how about you?

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