
Monday, March 5, 2012

Rush Limbaugh is a Pretty Low Quality Human Being

    He is also a sorry excuse for a man. He never gets over the idea that there's something very cute about his sorry race baiting and misogyny.  Typical of his modus operandi is to play the old Judge Judy game of peeing on your leg then telling you it's raining. So when there was criticism of his repulsive public abuse of an upstanding young female college student who spoke out for the need of women for available contraception he doubled down with more mockery and insults of women.

    However, over the weekend he did something very unusual for him-he dialed back on his miserable rhetoric and actually apologized saying that he was trying to be funny and that his choice of words were not the best. This is truly and man bites dog moment because Limbaugh's record shows he does not apologize. It's very rare. There were a few times like when attacked Aids victims back on in the 90s when he got the chance to guest host a tv show.

    So why is he apologizing rather than his usual tactic which is to double down? Because the public reaction has been bad enough that even his Republicans have had to criticize his comments, from Eric Cantor, to Rick Santorum. Worse even than this is that advertisers have begun to pull from his show.

    This is very important. Even he is not quite so stupid as to continue with this as he will lose advertisers. Indeed yesterday even after his apology he lost another advertiser. Many have complained about Limbaugh's often abusive public rhetoric for years and some have suggested that we should revert back to the old pre-Reagan equal time rules. Much as I abhor Limbaugh's pitiful antics I've never been entirely sure if I agree with this. I do think that as much as possible we should let people vote with their feet-if there is a market for Right wing radio I'm not sure about forcing them off the air via the FCC.

   However, advertisers are voting with their feet now. The message is loud and clear now for even somebody as tone deaf as Mr. Limbaugh can hear it-ironic that he is literally now tone deaf, but in the metaphorical sense he has always been this way; wholly insensitive and lacking in empathy. If he isn't careful his act that is not nearly as cute as he thinks it is may just end up cancelled.

   Imus was driven of MSNBC for his "nappy headed hos" comment yet to be honest I think Limbaugh's conduct here is if anything more reprehensible. I don't think Imus really meant to hurt anyone. By the way Limbaugh repeated his viscous comments last Friday it's clear he deliberately did mean to hurt someone, largely the women of America and those of us American men who don't think it's cute at all to insult them.

    For this overgrown blowhard to say such miserable things about someone else's child is appalling. If her father were to knock him on his enormous "just joking" ass, no jury would convict him.



  1. Limbaugh always gets attacked for speaking the truth. That broad was a slut. I applaud him for this.

    However, he has no follow-through. If he could think just a few steps ahead, he could easily defeat these women trolls who attack him. He only lives in the moment, and that's the worst criticism anyone can legitimately come up with.

  2. "Limbaugh always gets attacked for speaking the truth. That broad was a slut. I applaud him for this"

    Nope. What he is an insecure, inadequate misogynist who gets off on picking on little girls. You would applaud him because you are an even bigger, more cowardly bully than Rush is. After all even worse than a school yard bully are the sorry people who "applaud" the actions they themselves are too chicken to do.

    Can imagine you in high school already. Limbaugh deservs to get his sorry ass beat for speaking like this about somebody's child in a public forum-she had no forum to even answer-guts of a burglar Rush has. Maybe I'll visit Rush when he's in Florida-in that state it's legal to shoot unarmed people, thanks to Jeb Bush.

    Why are you and Rush so hung up on how much sex Sandra Fluke has? You have no basis for calling her a slut-you guys assume that because they use birth control they must be sex maniacs I guess.

    We have not idea whether Ms. Fluke is or is not a sex manaic. But even if she is-it's none of our business. What's the matter are you too half men jealous because you think she gets more play than you?

    As for telling the truth nobody is better at telling us about the way things aren't than Mr. Limbaugh. Even his claim that losing all these advertisers is no big deal is a lie-you can see that after he's now stuck with mostly publis service annoucements and even had 4 mintues of dead air.

    Rush's heyday is behind him. Premeire Radio will get tired of paying him so much when he no longer brings in the ad revenue. Not only is he in bad shape in the future but so are all his ltittle imitators-Hannity, Beck, Savage. The advertisres now see them all as poison.

    Then you have the fact that his ratings have been on teh way down-all right wing radio has-since 2009 and you see that the Golden Age of Right wing Radio is behind us.
