
Monday, August 27, 2012

Paul Ryan: 'Forcible Rape' a Stock Term

      Sure is a relief to hear that! And to think that Debbie Wasserman Schultz thought there was something nefarious about it! That Anderson Cooper sure showed her.

     Forcible rape-as opposed, evidently to 'legitimate rape' or 'real rape' is nothing to be upset about, it's just a 'stock term.'

     Surely it's got no relation to the guru the quack doctor Willke that Akin got it from-Willke actually turns out to be friend of Romney's but no matter: it's all just stock.

     "Paul Ryan was once again on the defensive Monday about his opposition to abortion in cases of rape.Asked on Fox about having supported legislation that referred to rape as “forcible rape” Monday, Ryan said that was “stock language” that has been used in many bills."

    “Look, all these bills were bills to stop taxpayer financing of abortion. Most American agree with us, including pro-choice Americans -- that we shouldn’t use hardworking taxpayer dollars to finance abortion,” the Wisconsin lawmaker told Bret Baier.

   “Rape is rape, period,” he said, repeating a phrase he has uttered many times since last week. “This is language that was stock language used for lots of different bills, bills I didn’t author. And that language was removed to be very clear and I agree with that. Removing that language so that we are very clear. Rape is rape. Period. End of story.”

    "Ever since the Todd Akin “legitimate rape” flap that has put Democrats in full attack mode on this controversial issue, Ryan has had to answer questions about his opposition to abortion even in the case of rape and his backing of legislation that included the language “forcible rape.”

    "Ryan had a pretty great day while much of his party was hunkered down in Tampa, but this issue remains an uncomfortable one that isn't fading away."

     I would love to meet some of these prochoice Americans who don't want rape victims to have abortions. Ryan is now just repeating the phrase "rape is rape" like a mantra, ignoring the fact that this wasn't how he felt when he and Akin were co-sponsoring this bill.

     Actually what's really cool is that the Missouri are really giving the GOP a hard time the convention for the way they've treated Akin.

     This is a guy who now trails McCaskill-who's seen in Missouri as the original Devil Woman-by 8 points and has an approval rating of 23% with 58% disapproving.


  1. What does Ryan even mean when he uttered, "stock language"? I've been trying to make tails of this ever since I've heard the term.

  2. He's just trying to say it had no special meaning-that it wasn't like "legitimate rape" but of course that's what it was.

    That's what Akin had meant to say.

  3. Well, thanks for the clarification. Personally, it doesn't matter to me what Ryan or Akin says anymore. Bottom line is the Repubs can't EVER be trusted when it comes to a women's uteri. The more the keep hammering issue, the more they look cold and frivolous.

    Boy, I'm waiting for the day for logical reasoning and centralist policy ideas make a comeback. But who am I kidding? The litmus test for any Republican today is that anything our Democratic president does or supports, they have to be against it or they are not a true Republican.

    And that my friend, is just sad.

  4. No argument here Anon! Feel free to call me Mike...

  5. "Boy, I'm waiting for the day for logical reasoning and centralist policy ideas make a comeback. But who am I kidding?"

    You and me both!

    I do harbor some hope that what we are seeing is the death throes of a toxic ideology. Its on the way out, it knows it, and its going to take some wild swings as it exits just cuz its an asshole and has never been interested in compromise but simply interested in control.

    My sons generation does not like the modern republican party. Sure there a few 20 something frat boys who work in their rethug daddys business (will take it over soon). They are loud and obnoxious but they are also a shrinking group, thanks to the policies their daddys supported. My sons generation knows that its stupid to hate someone cuz they are brown or gay or atheist or just a little weird.

    We've just got to keep this thing together til these 60 somethings who have gone crazy and want to destroy our society die off. Then we can let our kids take over.

  6. No doubt, Greg attitudes have changed a lot. I do think the GOP won't change until it's too late for them.

    This election to my mind is very important though-a loss here means the end of the New Deal-Medicare and Medicaid are ended as well as Planned Parenthood

  7. I agree about the importance of this election but I remember thinking the last election was equally important. Im not sure the people will let Medicare, Medicaid and Planned Parenthood go away. All three of those poll pretty strong with voters. What will the republicans whip people up about next election if they dont have those big govt boogeymen to assail?

    I remember a friend, who is pretty politically involved, telling me that actually ending Roe v Wade would be the worst thing for GOP. They need emotional issues to get their people to the polls. As I thought about it more I concurred.

  8. Yeah, I get the argument-basically it's 'if the enemy didn't exist,, we'd have to invent him'

    Stil I do think that if the GOP wins this election they will shoot the hostage. This is what's been in their crosshairs for 80 years-since FDR was first elected.

    The only thing that could stop them was if it were clear there were no political will for it.

    In 2005, Bush had both Houses of Congress and still failed to pass Social Security private accounts-which was actually Paul Ryan's baby.

    But if they win this time after running explicitly on the Ryan budget they will feel they have the mandate. And it will be tough to argue with.
