
Friday, August 24, 2012

Does Romney Still Lead in Missouri After Akin?

      That's the 64 million dollar question and the answer is-it depends which poll you prefer-the Republican Rasmuesson poll or the Dem PPP poll.

      What's funny is that Rasmussen claims Obama now leads Romney by 1 based on a Wednesday poll.  It's the Democratic PPP that claims that Romney leads by a hefty 10 points.

       Real Clear Politics takes the two polls and therefore concludes that Romney has a 5 point lead. Still, I can't help but notice that PPP's poll was on Monday, Rasmussen was on Wednesday, so in theory both could be accurate readings at the time.

        With the Akin-McCaskill race itself, it's again the Republican poll that claims she now has a 10 point lead while PPP claims Akin is still up by 1.

        PPP has been accused of favoring Republicans in it's Akin poll so as to encourage Akin to stay in the race-if that was their game it worked.

         I guess we have to wait until another poll rather than PPP or Rasumesson comes out. If you believe PPP then Romney's seen his lead increase by 4 after Akin's comments. Yet it could be that voters hadn't really reacted to the story yet, but by Wednesday they had.

        It seems strange that he would be more popular after Akin than before. It would mean that Missouri loved Akin's comments as much as the Family Leadership Council's Tom Perkins does.

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