
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Jeb Bush's Mixed Message

     He often gets lauded for his wiser talk than many of the GOP extremists for arguing they need to reach out to Latinos and that Mitt Romney must connect emotionally at tonight's convention speech.

     But in the last few days he seems to be on something of a crusade for the honor of his brother, George W. Bush. Condoleeza Rice also has been riding that train.

      Condi Rice trying to bring back Bush?

      Then he's trying to push back at the criticism of Ryan's factually challenged speech last night. So it's kind of hard to figure out just where Jeb is coming from.

      There are some who think he's running for 2016. Is the country really going to consider electing anyone with the last name of Bush anytime soon? I admit, I'd love to live forever, but as won't can't the next President Bush wait until may time is passed?

      Then Jeb is going so far as demanding that Obama "stop blaming my brother" and that the President of the United States "needs a spanking." Could such unbelievable language be possible if this President were white?

      Now the independent Jeb is turning into a rank party apologist for the lies of Paul Ryan. Somehow, it's wrong to "even suggest" Ryan may not be telling the truth:

      "Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has largely sat this election cycle out. From the sidelines, he chides his party for not reaching out more to Latinos — thereby earning him a reputation as savvy and independent and provoking whispers that he’s prepping for a 2016 presidential run".

       "But on Thursday morning, Bush was every bit the team player when he defended the fibs in Paul Ryan’s speech Wednesday night."

        "First, Bush defended Ryan’s assertion that President Obama is to blame for a GM plant that closed in 2008 under President George W. Bush. “Right there at that plant, candidate Obama said: ‘I believe that if our government is there to support you … this plant will be here for another hundred years,’” Ryan said in his speech. “That’s what he said in 2008. Well, as it turned out, that plant didn’t last another year. It is locked up and empty to this day.” But Jeb Bush claimed that this was not “misleading.”

       “No not at all,” Bush said. “That’s exactly — those were the words Barack Obama used. It was a campaign promise and it is yet another campaign promise unfulfilled.”

        "Bush also defended Ryan’s attack on Obama for not following the recommendations of the Bowles-Simpson debt commission even though Ryan himself voted against those recommendations. According to
Bush, Ryan put forward his own budget and is therefore beyond reproach on budget issues."

        “He voted against it because it did not have any aspect of it that included entitlement reform, which is the most pressing budget issue that our country faces,” Bush said. “And the Ryan budget does deal with that over the long haul.”

        "Bush said the charges that Paul was dishonest in his speech are misguided: “To suggest that Paul Ryan is not completely truthful when he’s the only guy in Washington, D.C. that’s actually put out a comprehensive plan with a budget attached to it, I think is wrong.”

        "Bush’s use of entitlement reform as a defense, however, ignores the fact that the debt commission did consider Medicare reform, but Ryan did not back it."

        "Bush will address the convention in Tampa Thursday evening."

     How can Obama be faulted for a closing that happened prior to his term? You have to use Republican logic. It's like Stalin used to have his Proletarian science. What Republican logic means that Obama has superagency and responsibility for everything that's ever happened in the world, anywhere, anytime. Typical Obama Derangment Syndrome (OBDS).

     Ryan on the other hand gets a pass for not supporting Simpson-Bowles while chiding the President for nto supporting it. Ryan did more than just not support it, too. He actively urged other Republicans not to support it.

     What should you expect from a campaign where just this last Sunday, Mitt Romney was telling women they should vote for him as he passed ObamaCare and in the same sentence promising to repeal ObamaCare his first day in office?

     So how does Jeb argue for Mitt to connect emotionally with voters while telling them what a great guy George W. Bush is-their least favorite guy in the world. Isn't that a contradiction? Shouldn't any emotional appeal, avoid any reference to George W. Bush much less a campaign to somehow resuscitate his reputation?

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