
Friday, August 31, 2012

Romney's Referendum on the Economy Canard

      This is what his whole speech was about-that the economy is disappointing so we should vote the President out of office.

      Romney's attack was meant to be done with finesse-he didn't want to appeal to naked Obama hating but to attack him "more in sorrow than in anger" to use Karl Rove's concept as a nice guy who's in over his head.

      Rubio to hit this theme in his speech that the problem with Obama is not that he's a bad man but a bad President.

      While no one misses foaming at the mouth Obama hating-other than Rush Limbaugh

       Romney "wishes Obama had succeeded"

        -this concept of it comes down to the economy and nothing but the economy and either you like where the economy is today or you have to vote against Obama is flawed. For one thing it gives Romney a pass into having to put up his own plan for the country. He can just run on not being Obama and throw in an infomercial about Bain and he wins.

         Yet though Romney's team wishes otherwise, an election is never a pure referendum. People aren't going to vote for Romney just because he's not Obama and worked at Bain Capital.

         What is his plan for the nation? He says he'll give us 4 million jobs in a first term and "energy independence by 2020." What he doesn't give us is any idea how he might get there.

          And why should the President alone, take all the blame for the economy? Why does Romney's running mate-Paul Ryan-not take any of the blame for being a leader in the obstructionist GOP House which refused to even vote for the parts of the Obama Jobs Bill that they had previously said they liked and agreed with?

          Was it because this might have hurt Mitch McConnell's wish that Obama be "a one term President."

           Lying Paul Ryan-that rhymes and doesn't only rhyme-seems to never take responsibility for his own record while he levies some very misleading attacks on the President-even blaming him for a plant that closed in Wisconsin before the President even got in office.

           Where has he been the last 3 and a half years? Why should we fire the President? Maybe we'd be better served to fire Paul Ryan and Todd Akin.

            Romney claims he wishes the President "had succeeded." Certainly Mr. Ryan clearly never felt this way or we would not have seen the unprecedented obstructionism of Ryan's GOP House.



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