
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ann Romney Expected to Do the Impossible: Make Her Husband Human

      There is this ideology at the Romney camp, that Ann Romney is the one to save her husband if anyone can. I find this whole dimension of sexual politics in today's GOP is fascinating.

      This same thing happened during the Republican primary. Rick Santorum's wife was constantly at his side-especially after he let it be know that he thinks birth control is "wrong."

       Linda Santorum would sit next to her husband and all but tell us "Don't worry. He won't do anything bad."

       The very concept of the GOP on gender is somewhat insulting-women don't like Romney but his wife will get their vote. It's like what the Hispanic groups told the GOP the other day if you want our vote change your policies.

       That's the one thing the GOP, in my lifetime-my years of following politics properly goes back until about 1980-never changes it's positions. If you doubt this just check this year's party plank. No exceptions of abortion ban, an English only law, a new holy war against pornography.

      There was another story today of California Hispanics saying that the GOP must do more than simply give us more candidates with brown faces-but the same old policies.

       No doubt this is going into deaf ears. This morning the WSJ editorial page was saying the GOP needs to take it a little easier on immigration, to dial it back a bit. Rupert Murdoch who owns WSJ has been coming around to this view.

        Yet a new, Latino candidate in Arizona wants to come down hard on legal immigration for those from the Middle East-not Jews though, of course.

        Ted Cruz, another Tea Party phenom is considerably to the Right of Mario Cruz. He wants to lower legal immigration. The GOP never changes.

        So it is with women. They will not moderate their views on abortion, birth control, women's health, etc. No how, no way. They will continue to redefine rape down, and vote against violence against women bills.

        So instead they give women Ann Romney. She'll make up for Romney and Ryan's Akin plank. That will buy them off. Cause women don't care about Romney's issues, not really-the GOP imagines. No, they just want to see the wife.


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