
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Iowa Rep. Steve King Has 'Never Heard of a Statutory Rape Pregnancy'

      The question you want to ask him is how many types of pregnancies caused by "nonstatutory rape" has he heard of. So King is another honest GOPer-like Akin.

      See this is what the whole party thinks. In their minds if a woman is pregnant she's complicit in something. If we get into it I'd guarantee most of these guys don't think there's any such thing as marital rape either.

      I'd be willing to wager anything you like that Congressman King has also never heard of marital rape either. I don't think this is just about abortion though it is that. It's also about birth control-which Paul Ryan is very much on the record as opposing as well, just see his Personhood Bill.

      Fundamentally this is about what the GOP thinks of women. In their mind there is legitimate rape and illegitimate rape-ie, a woman just saying she was raped. For the real flat earthers-and all of those join the Republican party-the only "real rape" or "legitimate rape" is stranger rape, the proverbial back alley rape.

     Of course, even then the woman must show that she put up a fight and explains what she was doing showing such poor judgment in being out alone.

     This is really how these folks think. Akin and King are not outliers. They are just too honest. If you doubut it look at theuir platform which not only does not contain any exception for cases of rape, but not even the life of the mother. They can never say the simple words of President Obama-"Rape is rape."

     For them there are different types, different, gradients. some legitimate or real others less so.

      "Rep. Steve King, one of the most staunchly conservative members of the House, was one of the few Republicans who did not strongly condemn Rep. Todd Akin Monday for his remarks regarding pregnancy and rape. King also signaled why — he might agree with parts of Akin’s assertion."

     "King told an Iowa reporter he’s never heard of a child getting pregnant from statutory rape or incest.
“Well I just haven’t heard of that being a circumstance that’s been brought to me in any personal way,” King told KMEG-TV Monday, “and I’d be open to discussion about that subject matter.”

      Great to hear he's "open to discussion." Wouldn't you just love to be part of  that scintillating discussion?

       For today's Republican party rape is not rape. Abortion, however, is abortion.


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