
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Two Things We Seem to Know About Marco Rubio

First, is he's just a very lazy guy.

He doesn't do his Senate job anymore because he's supposedly campaigning, but then he doesn't' campaign because-? Supposedly campaigning is obsolete and all that matters is appearing on Fox News and the Internet.

Rubio going back to his earliest posts in Florida politics, has always seemed to treat each new job as a stepping stone to the next one. Ok, so maybe if he got the POTUS job he could climb no higher-would he then take that one seriously? Or maybe he'd be another Reagan in the pejorative sense that Reagan was totally uniformed and disengaged.

Not only is he lazy but there is nothing that indicates he's much more than an empty suit with a winning smile and a compelling personal biography-made all the more compelling by his embellishments and exaggerations.

Rubio should resign as a Senator as he's ripping the people of Florida off. You know who else should resign? Rubio's new big supporter, Trey Gowdy, who is now effectively investigating Hillary Clinotn while supporting her potential opponent.

Speaking of conflicts of interest, this takes us to the other thing we know about Rubio. He abuses privileges that he's attained as a high ranking elected official. He used a Florida GOP card for personal use to buy groceries and go on trips with his wife, etc.

He has a long history as a corruptible pol.

Now, there's a new story out in the Washington Post that he may have pulled some strings to help out his brother in law who is an ex con with a cocaine habit.

"Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio used his position in the Florida legislature to help get his coke-dealer brother-in-law a real estate license, a report said Wednesday."

"While Rubio was majority whip of the Florida House of Representatives, he sent a letter to the Florida Division of Real Estate in 2002, recommending Orlando Cicilia “for licensure without reservation,”according to a Washington Post investigation."

"Rubio failed to mention that Cicilia, a former coke dealer, was married to his sister or was living in the same West Miami home as Rubio’s parents, the report claims."

"Cicilia was arrested in 1987 in one of the largest drug cases in Florida history. Rubio has shied away from discussing Cicilia’s case in detail. Rubio-affiliated PACs and campaigns have paid Cicilia’s two sons more than $130,000 in the past decade."

“Orlando made some very big mistakes almost 30 years ago, served his time, and has paid his debt to society,” Rubio’s presidential campaign adviser, Todd Harris, told the paper about Cicilia. “Today, he is a private citizen, husband and father, simply trying to make a living.”

It just contributes to the narrative that Rubio has all to many times used his public position for personal gain or benefit.

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