
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Trumpenfreude in the White House

Trumpenfreude is a great coinage from Krugman:

"You know what I’m talking about, of course — that feeling of glee mixed with fear as one watches the cynical race-baiting of the Republican establishment finally come home to roost, confirming that you were right to be shrill (and the centrists were naive), but with the slight admixture of panic because one of these guys might actually become president."

Turns out Obama and his team are having Trumpenfreude as well:

"Inside the White House, poetic justice looks a lot like Donald Trump."Past and present aides to President Barack Obama are gloating that a Republican leadership they say defined themselves by blustery opposition—and used it to win the House, then the Senate, and stand in the White House’s way at every turn—is getting devoured by a candidate personifying the anger agenda."

“It’s not so much a reaction to Obama,” said one person familiar with the president’s thinking about the Trump phenomenon. “It’s more of a reaction to their strategy that, ‘We’re just going to be antithetical to everything (Obama) stands for.’

"According to people in the White House, Obama doesn’t talk about Trump much. When he does, it’s with a combination of amusement and disgust at the rhetoric, occasionally mentioning his amazement at GOP leaders’ inability to understand Trump’s supporters and the long-term damage the president thinks Trump is doing to the party with the groups of voters who will decide future elections."

“Coming out of 2008 and the demographic changes in the country, Republicans needed energy, and instead of reaching for new ideas and new leadership, they reached for the political equivalent of Four Loko,” said Hari Sevugan, a senior spokesman for Obama’s 2008 campaign. “Sure it gives a shot of energy, but it eventually rots your brain and kills you.”

But it’s more than told-ya-so. It’s personal.

Read more:

The personal side was Trump's Biirtherism back in 2011-that the President did such a great job of shutting down in 2011. He released his long form certificate-of course that shouldn't have been necessary-and then in that correspondence dinner, he really put Trump in his place.

For those who worry that Trump could harm Hillary by talking about Monica Lewinsky check out that video. We have enough material on Trump at this point to make videos like that about him every day of the general election campaign. 

He wants to talk about Juanita Broaddrick we can always remind him his own wife accused him of rape and that he himself has been a serial adulterer-he was already engaged to Marla Maples before he even told Ivana Trump he wanted a divorce. 

In any case, the President has had a great year.

True, Trump is breaking the laws of political gravity in his campaign, but then, so has the President in 2015-who's a lame duck?

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