
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Todd Akin: Docs Give Abortions to Unpregnant Women

     Akin truly is the gift that keeps on giving. He argued that he shouldn't be penalized for one mistake-the legitimate rape comment.

     In saying this, he's much too modest. He hasn't made one "mistake" but many. Last week he was into more trouble for criticizing Claire McCaskill's "unladylike" debate performance and speaking out against pay equity. Now he's sharing more of his deep knowledge on the subject of abortion, rape, and pregnancy:

     "As Slate's Amanda Marcotte reported Tuesday, Akin gave a speech on the House floor in 2008 denouncing abortion providers as "terrorists," claiming that they sometimes perform abortions on women who "are not actually pregnant":
"It is no big surprise that we fight the terrorists because they are fundamentally un-American, and yet we have terrorists in our own culture called abortionists. One of the good pieces of news why we are winning this war is because there are not enough heartless doctors being graduated from medical schools. There is a real shortage of abortionists. Who wants to be at the very bottom of the food chain of medical profession? And what sort of places do these bottom-of-the-food-chain doctors work in? Places that are really a pit. You find that along with the culture of death go all kinds of other law-breaking: not following good sanitary procedure, giving abortions to women who are not actually pregnant, cheating on taxes, all these kinds of things, misuse of anesthetics so that people die or almost die."
    Akin's allegation of doctors performing abortions on non-pregnant women is particularly puzzling, since, by definition, an abortion cannot be performed if there is no pregnancy to terminate"

     Exactly. Which makes his comments not just offensive or even stupid but just plain puzzling. I thought abortion was murder because it terminates a pregnancy. If there's no pregnancy how can there be a murder?!!

    And 40% of Missourians still think this guy is at least worth seriously considering?

    Has the prolife position every seemed more puzzling?

1 comment:

  1. What is in the wrong with this guy? Not only did he step in it when he recommend that there is "legitimate rape", he then stuck his foot in his mouth when he suggested that McCaskill didn't act "ladylike" at some point in their debate and now, he's suggesting that prejudice is okay. Is he serious? He declare it is about freedom, but it was "freedom" that allowed our Founding Fathers to own slaves. Freedom is not freedom when it is one-sided.
