
Friday, April 6, 2012

Something Rotten in the State of Michigan

     If you wonder what it's like to live in an unfree country try visiting Michigan on your vacation. Evidently the GOP in that state is truly on a mission.

   There are lots of awful state GOPs and awful GOP Governors, but in Michigan it's on a whole new level. The state of Michigan has a strange system. In 1960 a bill was passed-among the bills sponsors was Mitt's father George Romney-so that all new legislation takes 3 months after the conclusion of the current session to take effect.

   This is unusual but for whatever reason Michigan felt the need to give people who might not like a law a nice headstart in figuring out how to comply with it-or overturning it. In 2010 however a particularly hardcore group of GOP politicians were elected in the state.

    There is a proviso in the law of 1960 that allows a super majority to overturn the long wait law and get a policy implemented quickly. Seems the GOP Congress has been getting a heck of a lot of these immediate effect laws passed during their term even though they don't have a super majority and the Democrats don't vote with them.

    This is how the emergency manager law got implemented so quickly.

     1. if you are African American in Michigan there is a 50% chance that you no longer have locally elected representation because the state government has disbanded and suspended local politicians including; the mayor, school board members and everyone one else and installed a tsar with complete and total power to rule over the people in:

     Benton Harbor
   Detroit School District
   Highland Park School District

     "If you live or go to school in any of those areas, you are effectively under dictatorial rule with no rights or say in how your city is run. So if you did not have a chance to serve in any of our recent wars and wondered what it was like for our brave fighting men and women, now you too know what its like to live in an oppressive authoritative dictatorial regime like Iran."

   "What is even more amazing is all of this was done illegally. It is as if a coup was staged in the state of Michigan and no one seems to notice. You see, In Michigan all laws need to take 90 days from the time they are passed before they take effect by the rules of the states constitution. Unless there is a super majority of 2/3, then the laws can take affect immediately. Since the GOP has only 64 seats and would need 74 votes for a 2/3 majority, that means they would need at least 10 democrats to vote with the GOP to override the 90 day waiting period. Yet not ONE time have 10 Democrats voted with the GOP."

     "And that 90 day waiting period was put in the constitution for a reason. To give people affected by the new laws time to prepare and also to ensure that if a truly horrific unpopular law was passed that the citizens had 90 days to overturn that law prior to it going into effect."

     Since 2010 when the GOP took over in Michigan they have passed 566 bills, and 546 of them have been signed into immediate effect under the emergency clause.
This is despite the fact that for NONE of those 546 bills have they had the required 2/3 votes needed to have the law go into immediate effect. 

     2. The Michigan GOP has suspended the RULE OF LAW AND THE STATE CONSTITUTION in order to enact whatever laws they want. That is called a coup. Of course unless my original thesis of them having been given divine power from God happened.

     "They have even gone so far that they are now denying the Democratic minority the right to vote AT ALL. That’s right. The GOP does not even recognize the Democrats right to vote on the house floor and pretends as if they do not even exist."

      For those who think we'll always be a democracy try Michigan some time.

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