
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Republicans Can't Make Paul Ryan Pretty

     Talk about lipstick on a pig. The lame Republican response to President Obama and the Congressional Democrats demanding passage of the Millionaire's Tax (MT) is that it is a "gimmick" and that it somehow is a "risky strategy" for the Democrats as it won't do much to cut the deficit.

    Only in Republican La La Land where the media has invented the Republican War on Women and Newt Gingrich can guarantee us $2.50 gas does that make any political sense at all. Fact is that 60% of Americans support the passage of the MT and this is going to hurt Obama? Just like Rush was not going to lose any advertisers.

    First of all, it will trim some off the deficit. Nobody every claimed that the main reason to do this was deficit reduction and not every policy needs to be about deficit reduction. It's about tax equity and the fact that the government needs to raise revenue somehow.. Every time there is a Democratic President we get back to this syndrome of having to paraphrase Jimmy Carter "An Inordinate Fear of Deficits."

   In the 90s there was clamor for a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA). Clinton didn't agree to that but he did pass legislation in 1993 that led to the budget surpluses of the late 90s. Bush the Second got into the White House and within a few years an unprecedented surplus became an unprecedented deficit as he blew it all on wasteful and regressive tax cuts for the rich.

    Then of course there was the boondoggle wars. Yet the GOP declared that "fiscal responsibility" was dead, that "Reagan proved deficits don't matter."

    Now that a Democrat has been in office again that's all we hear about. So we have Krugman's Very Serious People like Paul Ryan. Remember how when he released his first budget and nobody in the press could mention him without adding the words "bold" and/or "serious?"

    In the very so serious Congressman's most recent budget Ryan calls for raising the deficit by a factor of about 87 with another huge boondoggle in deep tax cuts for the rich and corporations. This is to be "paid for"-remember with the GOP with such Very Serious People running this oh so Serious Party, everything has to be "paid for" there is nothing that is just a need that you find a way to take care of; for those like the GOP who like the government is like a household argument, it's as if a family says "yes our daughter is sick but screw her! We can't pay for it. We've got to think of our grandchildren"-let along that without children there will be no grandchildren-by some vague "tax loopholes" not one of them the venerable Serious One can name-perhaps having a Rick Perry Moment (RPM)?

   And so the GOP can chide the President's MT for not doing enough to cut the deficit while their own plan explodes the deficit further into the Heavens? But then this is what the Very Serious Party is about. Deficits are fine if

    A). There is a Republican President

    B).  They are created by military spending

    C). They are the product of tax cuts for the rich

    The Grand Old Party is a Serious Party indeed. But mostly, just Seriously Full of Baloney, which is why they are running the Baloney King, Mitt Romney.

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