
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Romney "Doesn't Know" About Women's Rights

     That's really about the size of it is it not? Rommey was in fine form today, again trying to play what Rachel Maddow mentions as the Karl Rove defense-'my weakness is your weakness, your strength is my strength'-claiming that Obama is conducting the "Real War on Women" by being bad on the economy. Since Romney's party is fighting the War Against Women Mitt-as Rove would urge him-is saying "I'm not running a War on Women. Obama is running a War on Women.

    This is Mitt's whole feeble pitch that he is somehow better on the economy than the President based on his history running Bain Capital. As Newt Gingrich said his experience is in cutting jobs not creating them. He then told some real whoppers like Obama's policies costing 800,000 jobs with 92% of those lost jobs women's jobs. This was so ludicrous Fox News's Greta Van Sussen wasn't buying that one.

   It's total bunk of course. Trying to play the Rove move-'I know you are but what am I' on women's issues is laughable for a candidate like Mitt Romney. His party from the national level down to the states like Bob McDonald's Virginia, are in  a Jihad against women's rights. Mr. Romney wants to put back on his moderate hat now and claim he's a different kind of Republican but that's kind of hard to him promising to end Planned Parenthood as his first act in office. True, he also claimed he would end ACA as his first act in office.

  Of course he's a totally shameless political panderer who will say anything to get elected. He wrote the ACA and urged President Obama to pass it. He and his wife used to support Planned Parenthood-again he's a shameless panderer, a professional presidential candidate without a core.  If this helps he did insist that if women want "free stuff" they should vote for the other guy. Yeah cause he never got anything for noting.

   Today he got thrown off this game of making up stuff against Obama personally causing all these women to lose their jobs-wholly specious of course but so silly I don't feel like debunking it by explaining why it's such bunk. He was asked if he supports the Lillie Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.  His campaign didn't know what to say. So at the conference call they said they'd "get back to you."

   When Romney decided whether he is for or against he declared that he supports pay equity for women. See now that the primary is over he can say things like "pay equity." However he refused to say whether or not he would have voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. While Romney as we saw above has claimed that more than one thing would be "his first act as President", Obama's first act was to sing the Lilly Ledbetter Act. Romney did suggest he wouldn't overturn it.

    Way to take a stand! Then he had a couple of Congresswomen come up an vouch for him. Again, now that the primary is basically over he's graduated from having his wife take the tough questions to Republican Congresswomen. They think Mitt's keen so we can trust him! Turns out though that neither of these women who can vouch for him voted for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. 





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