
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Republicans Jump on Phony Hillary Rosen Issue

      So this is their game changer-a CNN reporter expresses her own opinion and now this somehow means the Republican War on Women isn't happening?

      To tell you the truth, I'm a little ticked at Obama and his staff, and that applies to Michelle as well. Why are they all falling over themselves to apologize for something that-whether you liked what Hillary Rosen said or not-has nothing to do with them?

      But the GOP was in all it's glory, you'd think they won the lottery or something. In fact this whole absurdly silly spectacle shows again why their is a huge gender gap and it's unlikely to improve.

      Because the very things that Romney keeps trying to do to fight the War on Women rap show again and again that they just don't get it and fully deserve the scorn of female voters. Rachel Maddow put it best tonight. The GOP's problem is that they think this is an impressionistic problem. So Ann Romney is supposed to make up for the fact that the Republican party has been fighting nationally and at the state level to roll back a woman's right to choose as well as access to birth control and affordable health care in general and that Mr. Severe Conservative himself has vowed to end Planned Parenthood.

     Then he has a bunch of Republican women come out and say nice things about him. You can't get a picture of Romney now without being flanked by-lots of women. All kinds floating around him showing that women can vouch for him. But this strategy is itself insulting. It shows that the Republican party doesn't get it's about the issues not whether or not Romney is a good husband or has female friends who will vouch for him being a decent guy.

     Ms. Rosen was basically right in her point. True it could be read a suggesting a low opinion about stay at home moms rather than working women. But she is a mother herself and that's not the real point. Really, why does Mitt need to talk to his wife about the issues that women care about? And how can we be sure that Ann Romney is such an expert? Because she's a woman right? That's the problem. Women are going to be bought over despite the horrendous record of the GOP because Ann Romney is a nice woman who will vouch for her husband?

     That this is what the GOP does think is why it's in such bad shape. And this is what Rick Santorum had come to do as well-his wife was always with him the last few months. A guy can have a nice wife and still be a terrible candidate and a horrendous attitude about women's rights. History shows little else.

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