
Friday, April 6, 2012

How is a Woman Like a Caterpillar: GOP Counts the Ways

       There are people who want to defend RNC Chairman Reince Prebius's attempt to deny the GOP has a war going against women. But their efforts are pretty unconvincing.

      Comparing women to caterpillars? Useless to say he wasn't comparing it like it was useless for Romney to explain he's not an etch a sketch. Ok. Prebius was making an analogy, but he's really bad at analogies apparently.

     I mean caterpillars? Ok it could have been worse-he could have said ants or cockroaches. I've never heard women compared with caterpillars before. Someone said he was making a figure of speech. What figure of speech? When was the last time you heard the household phrase "Women are like caterpillars?"

    I've never heard it. Not once. Ever. Why is that? Because it's not a figure of speech. It was just a dumb analogy. Was this how he wooed his wife? Baby you are like the most cutest little caterpillar in the dirt? Ok he didn't say women are like dirt. That would have been worse.

   Ok. Sure we can look at the substance of what he meant. What for though? I mean his argument is so week it barely deserves being considered. There's no war on women, it's the invention of the Democratic party and the liberal media. Why not just cut out the middle man and make Rush Limbaugh your RNC chairman.

   It's totally stupid. Romney trails Obama by 32 points among women under 50 in swing states and this is all because the media spinning it? It's got nothing to do with those crazy vaginal probe laws in GOP states or Rick Santorum thinking birth control is "wrong" or Limbaugh's weird obsession with young women who use birth control? How about Mr. Massachusetts Moderate declaring the first thing he will do is end Planned Parenthood?

   It's got nothing to do with the GOP trying to demagogue the President's health care law by trying to make it an attack on religious freedom. Wow, that was a gambit that failed! Remember when they thought 'relgious liberty" was going to give them a nice wedge issue? Turns out no one remembers "religious liberty" and everyone remembers "war on women."

   Sure it's the media's fault or the Democrats' fault. It's anyone's fault but their own dreadful policies.

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