
Friday, June 15, 2012

Sean Hannity Tries to Finger the Obama Girl

      Listening to his radio show-or watching the tv show-is absurd. He'll put on some audio of the President and then start making fun of the sound of words like a second grader. He was trying to explain how Obama doing something good for the Latino community was going to hurt him today. Sure Sean. Like Romney's numbers among Latinos are still too high.

     He's so amateurish that even his Right wing listeners complain that he gets too silly with the mimicking stuff like he's a witless seven year old.

     His big deal today was having the Obama Girl on. She was the gal who did the Obama song actually after his big speech in 2004. Hannity kept advertising the interview he would have with her today as 'the Obama Girl has buyer's remorse.'

    This is the kind of brilliant things he's about. So she came on and it was like watching a caveman try to grope a date. He kept trying to get her to say Obama is a terrible guy and deserves an F for his Presidency. Right away he starts demanding to know what his grade is as he's "raised the deficit by $5 trillion."

    He deserves an F Hannity prompted for the economy. Yes all that matters for the economy is the budget deficit. This is why when Bush the II in 2001 had a chance to pay down the national debt and instead did the budget busting Bush tax cuts.

    She never quite said she would though she claimed she's "on the fence" between Obama and Romney. He said that when she decides she can do the tv show.

    Talk about trying to buy someones vote! Basically the choice is if she supports Romney she can be on tv. Heck you know how I feel about Romney but if I got a chance to be on tv in exchange for supporting him, I'd be on the fence.


  1. Your blog title says so much about you and your side. Liberals hate anyone that disagrees with them. Why? Because they can't hold a debate without getting hateful. Basement dwellers like you are what took this country down and we patriots will fix your problems.

  2. Oh typical conservative-"basement dwellers" perfectly charming. Geez honey I wonder why you're so lonely.

    Sean Hannity sure never gets hateful, with his silly mimicking. In fact there's is nothing more visceral in this world than the hate you have for our President.

    I mean Karen, do you deny this? Do you deny that you have a bottomless hate for the President or at least many on your side do?

  3. Please compare the IP address of this comment to the comment above. They are different aren't they? I never have heard of your blog so I never would have left a comment here. Nothing personal. Thank you for letting me know. I would ask that you please delete any comments that I didn't leave.

  4. You can also compare it to my Google account.

  5. I don't know what your talking about. You left the comment here. Why deny it? I intend to write a post about you anyway. This strange tact of yours adds to the excitement of it.

  6. I don't know what you gals are up to but you left these coments here not me. I don't know which of you is the real Lonely Conservative but both comments are staying. I just left some commments at your site too. Hopefully you will publish them as I have published yours.

    1. One of them is bad enough. Please don't tell me there's two of them. (Which one's the evil twin?)

  7. You aint just whistling Dixie CedricL

  8. LOL. I thought she was trying to set me up you know like Darrell Issa was going to start investigating me for fraudlently somehow written a comment and singing her name to it or something crazy.

    This is how the Eric Holder invetigation started

  9. I guess now that I look at it the first one is from "Karen the Lonely Conservative" while the second is "The Lonely Conservative"

    So she's claiming someone falsely left a comment in her name? What benefit would that do them?

    Righties are such complex people. Much more sophistcated and nuanced than me. I have no idea what mysterious forces make them do what they do.
