
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sarah Palin Trying to Spin ACA Ruling

     I've focused a lot on GOP reaction today just to prepare us for what the tactics will be. One thing that's clear is that they're going to make a big deal out of the fact that Roberts argued for the Individual Mandate in the terms of it being a tax increase.

     So now we'll be hearing a lot about an interview in 2009 when Obama was  questioned by George Stephanopolous on whether it was a tax. Obama has insisted that it's not a tax.

     So now we're going to keep hearing that he's been caught in a lie, etc. In reality it's a matter of legal interpretation. It's not necessarily set in stone as a settled fact like 2+2=4. Obama may not have coneptualized it as a tax. The liberal judges on the Court voted for ACA as well but argue that it is covered under the Commerce Clause. So the fact that Roberts says it's a tax doesn't necessarily make Obama a liar.  Maybe he's wrong and the other four Justices are right. It's a subjective question.

     Sean Hannity just was making a big deal that Obama was against the individual mandate before he was for it-hello? Romnney passed the individual mandate before he vowed to repeal and replace it. What a sorry partisan hack. He never compares what Romeny said today with what he even said this morning.

     So now Ms. Conservative America is out razzing the President. In Hannity's vein she got whooped by the President before she was against ACA. She thinks the ruling is a good thing actually:

     "Thank you, SCOTUS. This Obamacare ruling fires up the troops as America’s eyes are opened! Thank God."

      Admire the brave face on it but this doesn't ring true.

      "This proves to be such an unsettling time in America as we undergo the fundamental transformation that Barack Obama promised he would do to us if elected. Obamacare was dealt in deception and confusion by flooding the public with an overwhelming amount of conflicting “rationale” via thousands of pages of unread legislative detail, which is the radical left’s M.O. Obama promised the American people this wasn’t a tax and that he’d never raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000. We now see that this is the largest tax increase in history. It will slam every business owner and every one of the 50% of Americans who currently pay their taxes. The other 50% are being deceived if they think they’re going to get a free ride – because Medicaid is broke. Recipients of Obama’s “free health care” will have fewer choices and less accessibility. Trust me – this much more expensive health care WILL be rationed; to claim otherwise defies all economic and common sense."

     Why is it-and I ask this question sincerely-that conservatives are always making some huge talking point about the literal size of legislation? Is it that the length of legislation has some bearing on its quality? I guess the President should have written a healthcare bill that was real short right? Only Democrats write bills that are long I guess. Every GOP bill is short enough to fit on a bumper sticker. I mean Hank Paulson wrote the TARP bailout for the banks and it was half a page which should put to lie the notion that the justice of a bill is in necessary proportion to its shortness.

     I guess if the ACA was short, so short, that it fit on an index card then Ms. Palin would approve of it. You know an index card like the ones she used to use in debates that would remind her of tough to recall facts that she'struggled with-like which part of Korea is our ally, North or South, or who were the combatants in WWII.




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