
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Yes GOP Talking Impeachment over Dream Act

     Did I not say last week-regarding the show trials going on in Darrell Issa's House over talk of contempt votes-that this was coming? Id didn't necessarily realize how soon.   I mean last Friday you had the Lonely Conservative posting that piece from Dr. Robert Owens demanding that the House impeach the President.

    Now the key to the doctor-he likes to call himself doctor whereas he's some sort of charlatan history teacher. However he has this thing he likes to say:

    "'the future slides into the present, the present into the past, we are the history of the future." So it is that he wants this to be the history of the President's impeachment!"

      So like when he wrote that post last Friday that was not the present it was history. And so it was-after all aren't we discussing it in past tense? So when he declared that Obama was to be impeached it was the history of when Republicans started publicly calling for just that. And lo and behold we are no in the future already! The reason given for Obama's impeachment however is not Issa's witch hunt against Eric Holder but instead Obama's perfectly legal Executive Order on immigration a week and a half ago.

     "Never mind that the SJC made it pretty clear that Obama had the perogative to make the call he did, nope when has the GOP ever let the actual law get in the way?"

    "the decision signaled that the court also views Obama’s recent immigration directive, halting deportations for many young undocumented immigrants, as legal. Essentially, the court underscored that the federal government has broad discretion under the law to decide who to deport. From the decision:
Congress has specified which aliens may be removed from the United States and the procedures for doing so. Aliens may be removed if they were inadmissible at the time of entry, have been convicted of certain crimes, or meet other criteria set by federal law. See §1227. Removal is a civil, not criminal, matter. A principal feature of the removal system is the broad discretion exercised by immigration officials. See Brief for Former Commissioners of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service as Amici Curiae 8–13 (hereinafter Brief for Former INS Commissioners).
…Discretion in the enforcement of immigration law embraces immediate human concerns. Unauthorized workers trying to support their families, for example, likely pose less danger than alien smugglers or aliens who commit a serious crime. The equities of an individual case may turn on many factors, including whether the alien has children born in the United States, long ties to the community, or a record of distinguished military service.
     "Kris Kobach, an immigration advisor for Mitt Romney, said that Obama’s order was illegal. It does not appear likely that the Supreme Court agrees."

       For those who don't know which Romney to believe on immigration by the way Mr. Kobach is not just his immigration advisor he's also the author of the Arizona law SB 1070 that has generated all this excitement.
      In any case, we have a major Republican Senator now, John Kyle:

     "Well, that’s the executive’s job and there are only a couple of ways to do it… If the president insists on continuing to ignore parts of the law that he doesn’t like, and simply not enforce that law, the primary remedy for that is political. And you have it two ways: one is oversight through the Congress to demonstrate what they’re doing wrong and there are some potential criminal charges there for dereliction of duty. Although, I haven’t looked that up yet. And the other part of it is people need to react through the ballot box to turn out of office those people who are not doing their duty. Now if it’s bad enough and if shenanigans involved in it, then of course impeachment is always a possibility. But I don’t think at this point anybody is talking about that."

    Yeah, no one is talking about it-except you just did! It all goes back to Dr. Owens-'the future slides into the present, the present into the past, we are the history of the future' So just 5 days since Owens' piece and we have people 'not talking about' impeaching the President. So we have a top current GOP Senator-from the state of Arizona no less and he along with Eric Cantor in the House was instrumental in defeating the Grand Bargain that both Boehner and Mitch McConnell were on with once.

    Now we also have a congressional Republican candidate saying 'elect me and I'll impeach the President'

    "Allen Quist, a former state representative running against Rep. Tim Walz (D-MN) in Minnesota’s 1st congressional district, told a town hall late last week that Obama’s recent immigration policy, as well as his decision not to defend in court the Defense of Marriage Act, were both unconstitutional. While some Republicans would cautiously leave the matter there, Quist pressed on, declaring that Obama had committed an impeachable offense. If elected, he promised he would “not only propose it, [he] would argue it to the utmost of my ability and [he] would carry it like a banner to the American public.”




  1. I am convinced that the Republiscum are simply following their jack-boot monetary masters by doing "whatever it takes" to lynch this black man, er, President of the United States. I am half-Italian and went to a school that was 95% black and living in a neighborhood that was 70% Hispanic, so I've seen racism fro all sides, but it is always the worst coming from whites. Since I am only half-Italian I easily pass for white and see what happens when the minority in any given room leaves. It's not every group of whites, and usually not the younger folks, but people my age (40ish) and above have not lost their racist edge and have no problem using the real word they fell describes our President: N****. And then these folks associate with themselves and vote lock-step in ways that seem racially divisive. Don't get me wrong there is racism all around, I've seen that too, but a lot of it has to do with the fear and condemnation heaped upon other races by whites in the past. Hopefully this will change as we get younger and the old folks die off (which will one day soon bite the Repubs in the ass). Until then, here is the last gasp, indeed grasp, they have at putting one of their own in the WH. And really this has nothing to do with the WH, the real prize, always has been, and will be, the Supreme Court. If President Obama is not-reelected, I could see some deranged nationalist take a pot shot at one of the liberal justices so that the real power brokers can finally strip the common people of any real justice by implementing a fully conservative majority. Of course, the common people, for whatever reason, do not see the threat (which always amazes me), and will vote "the other guy" just because they don't like the color of the current President or because they are simply doing what Fox News and their conservative Facebook Friends are telling them to do. And race may not be the most important factor, but it is the undercurrent of racism that allows a reasonable person to go from saying "The economy sucks, but I can do better for myself" or "The economy sucks, but there is not much the President can do without Congressional support" to this: "The economy sucks and it's because Obama can't handle the job" (or add your subtly racist statement here). Going back to the original point: The Repubs will do anything, including impeaching a sitting President for simply political reasons, in order to win the WH and, by extension, the Judiciary. I just think they will do it because they fear the future where they are the minority and where they will no longer be able to control the people they once loathed.

  2. Thanks for dropping by Anon. I know where you're coming from as I too am biracial-half black and half white.

    On an individual level I've seen racism on all sides no doubt. I don't think whites are any worse than anyone else. But insitutional racism is a sorry legacy and it's reality. We are beating in now though.

    However like you said while it may not all about race-I don't think it is-that Obama's black certainly helps.

    I agree this is a last gasp. I think that they are desperate because yes whites wont be the majority soon and conservative ideology is in trouble.

    The two Scotus rulings this week we're really tough on them. They are decimated.

    My take is that it's this desparation why you've seen so many Republican states go so far out there-they feel they have to take everything while they still run things as time is running out for them.

    I defintely think that younger people aren't preoccupied with the silly worry about race. What MTV and that's clear.

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