
Monday, June 11, 2012

My Major Freedom-Herman Hoppe Thesis Confirmed

     Yes my thesis was confirmed by the Major. While talking him is a blind alley I can't resist sometimes-you have to have some comic relief. It doesn't get any more relieving than this.

     I had recently written a post regarding him and Herman Hoppe. Honestly I was reaching, I didn't know for sure he was a Hoppe man, I was just inferring. Well today we see that my inference was right!

      "agree with much of what Hoppe writes, but I disagree with some of his statements concerning homosexuality."

      Ok for those of you not conversant with Hoppe this is a very big deal. It would hardly be more shocking to hear him say this about David Koresh. He says he disagrees with "some" of Hoppe's statements on homosexuality. Logically you ask are there those he agrees with then?

      How about what Hoppe says about democracy? If you aren't conversant with Hoppe here it goes. Ladies you may want to send the children out to play:

       "we’ll probably have to experience national bankruptcy spreading through Portugal, Spain, Italy and ultimately on to Germany. Only then, I fear, will it become clear to everyone what many people already suspect now: that the EU is nothing but a gigantic machinery of income and wealth redistribution, from Germany and the Netherlands to Greece, Spain, Portugal, and so on. But that’s not all. It will also become clear that the same insanity, the same mess, exists even within each individual country: redistribution from Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg to Bremen and Berlin, from Little Town A to Little Village B, from one company or industry to another, from Smith to Jones and so on – and always following the same perverse pattern: redistribution from the more productive countries, regions, places, companies and individuals to those that are less productive or not productive at all. Bankruptcy will bring all of this to light in a dramatic fashion."

        "And perhaps then, finally, will come the realization that democracy – in whose name all these dirty tricks have been done – is nothing more than an especially insidious form of communism, and that the politicians who have wrought this immoral and economic madness and who have thereby enriched themselves personally (never, of course, being liable for the damages they have caused!), are nothing more than a despicable bunch of communist crooks."

       Today Major was telling me how inflation is on the moral level of rape. When I questioned that he went into a long litany:

       "No you pedant. I am talking about inflation leading to wars that would never have been afforded otherwise, which results in the killings of entire families, and it also leads to physically unsustainable capital structures, which results in periodic bouts of unemployment, which can and does increase the number of suicides, which also destroys families."

        Yeah inflation leads to wars. Ideas like Hoppe on the other hand are all pretty innocent. So this gives you a little more context next time you come across his long diatribes over at Money Illusion.


  1. Wow! This was really amazing! I think Herman Hoppe’s thesis statement can really have a big impact in our life. And I think his thesis abstract should be read by other so that many would understand why would he talk too much, and yet he looked innocent in the eye of a lot of people. This would certainly clear a lot of gossip about him.
