
Monday, October 10, 2011

Wall Street Protests are anti-American: Herman Cain

     As to the question as to whether the protesters are anti or pro Democrat, whether it hurts or helps the Democrats one thing should be clear. Not many protesters are Republicans unless they haven't heard what the GOP has to say about them.

     Major GOP Presidential hopeful Herman Cain is another Republican, joining the ranks of Rep. Jim Broun, Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich-and Fox News Sunday's Chris Wallace-who kept emphasizing the "small but growing number of protestors" going as far as to claim that the media may be over reporting it so far judging by its numbers-who have not only disagree with but pointedly insulted the protestors. According to Cain the protests are "anti-American" and  "Even though we have our challenges, I believe that the protests are more anti-capitalism and anti-free market than anything else."

     He has also said that if you're not rich it's your own fault. This is a Republican candidate who has polled quite well in recent GOP straw polls and in the national poll-though Romney clearly has NH sown up.

     Gingrich-not that he's very relevant these days-claims that the protestors are part of a "coordinated effort" to "create a distraction so people won't focus on the failed policies of this administration."

     Mitt Romney the front runner who still looks very healthy with a huge lead that dwarfs the other candidates in NH-which may be more indicative of his relative strength than the national polls which suggest that Cain and Perry have a shot-said 'this is class warfare, this is dangerous.'

     The GOP strategy seems to be a "multi pronged approach." Insult the protestors but then try to alleviate the blow by saying that these "poor dumb people, they are dupes of the Obama Administration."

     That this sounds plausible to the American Right shows how out of touch it really is. As an Obama Democrat I'm under no illusions that the protestors are dupes of Obama or the Democratic party machine. Fact is that there is no guarantee that this will help the Democrats at the polls. There are a lot of left-liberals not so happy with Obama. While Wall St gets its feelings hurt because Obama two years ago used the word "fat cats" in reality many see him as way too friendly to The Street. Not necessarily me but many do.

    While the Democrats aren't assured of OWS support-some of these folks won't vote for him again or at least won't support him as much, others are serious lefties who never vote a mainstream candidate- the GOP strategy in talking about them surely helps the Democrats. While they aren't tools of the Democrats the GOP is doing everything they can to push them into their arms who have mostly expressed a lot of support for them.

   In a way the Republicans are as usual engaging in self-fulfilling rhetoric.


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