
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: Don't Make War, Make Out

    In the latest edition of  The Occupied Wall Street Journal I saw one of the most appealing pictures under that caption Don't Make War, Makeout. It had a very attractive woman kissing an attractive young guy. I gotta admit some might find me schizophrenic. On the one hand I support Occupy Wall Street, on the other I am a regular reader of the Wall Street Journal. I don't see the contradiction. As it happens those who have put together The Occupied Wall Street Journal, actually have a history doing marketing for papers like WSJ which is not surprising.

   In looking at that attractive couple as the most seductive images OWS has to offer, I again think of Zizek, who has already personally spoken at Zucotti Park. What can be more seductive for any movement than the spectre of  Zizek's Sexual Relationship?

   With all the impact that OWS has already had, in many ways I find these type of angles the most interesting. Because not everyone likes it and some feel it cheapens the movement. Yet I think that what some see as cheapening may be the aspects that make it most relatable  to the mainstream. Like the recent furor over the OWS girls gone wild video, or when capitalism is shown to be alive and well at Zucotti park-with all the merchandise being sold, with credit cards even being taken.

    I guess because in this area that some find cheapening I see proof that these are real people with a pulse that you can relate too. They are still of this world rather than being so heavenly as to be of no earthly use.

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