
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

With Obama Unveiling 'Romney Tax Hikes' GOP Whines About Process

     The question begs: if there wasn't process to whine about what would the GOP ever talk about? Maybe they wouldn't say anything at all-which let's face it, would be a marked improvement.

     With the President set to announce his 'Romney tax hikes' tonight, you can get why the GOP is frustrated. Since their alleged wave election in November the President has consistently been the one on the offensive, taking initiative while the GOP is always stuck complaining that somehow process has 'poisoned the well.' Meanwhile the President's numbers keep rising.

     I mean on immigration reform they complained about process. I mean, to a man they are just as for immigration reform as he is but the process was wrong. On Cuba they main complaint is process. Now with Romney's tax hikes it's all about process.

    They never debate policy just the process that policy was reached. They protest that 'process is important.' For them it clearly is, They value process like Lombardi valued winning: 'Process isn't everything, it's the only thing.' I mean when was the last time you heard a GOPer in public debating substance anywhere?

     Today, they complain Obama should have negotiated with them on his proposals, glossing over the fact that these are proposals and that he is going to make in his Sate of the Union Address tonight.

    Since when does the President negotiate his SOTU with the other party? The process has never worked that way before. As Nancy Pelosi put it today on Andrea Mitchell, the American people don't care about process but what Obama's tax plan means to them.

    Again, I get the GOP's frustration: the President who they so disdain is back to a 50 percent approval rating after thumbing his nose at them after their wave election. Everywhere you look, we see Democratic proposals getting traction, particularly Scott Sumner's favorite idea: minimum wage hikes.

     The front page of yesterday's Daily News-1/19/15-claimed credit for Governor Cuomo's proposal. They say they had advocated it and he followed their recommendation. Ok, then thank you, Daily News.

    Somehow they have looked far and wide for the best candidate to beat Hillary with and Romney, Mr. 53% is leading the field against the preferred choice for the GOP establishment, Jeb Bush. What's in a name indeed, Jeb is an unusual but not unpleasant name but he simply can't get rid of the baggage of being a Bush.

    So last election's loser leads the GOP field this time-Romney may be clueless but he's not a Bush! Meanwhile the President is calling for Mitt Romney's taxes to go up to help the 47%! After they won their wave! The process is just all wrong.

    Paul Waldman suggests that maybe the GOP shouldn't be so opposed to Obama's plan as it accepts one of their central tenets: helping people via the tax code.

    I doubt it. After all, the process is wrong. How much do you want to bet that assuming they reject Obama's proposals out of hand they will actually offer their counter proposal? Again, it's just specious to say Obama should have negotiated with the GOP before the SOTU.

    Negotiations are supposed to happen after he offers his proposal where the GOP Congress can show where it can work with him and where they can't. However, this would be true if anything but process matters for Repubs and unfortunately that is not the case.

   Still with the President's rising approval numbers-while the GOP Congress has tried to take some credit for the economy, evidently the American people don't give them any as Congress' numbers have pointedly not gone up with the economy.

   Americans also feel that the GOP is 'too stubborn' in working with Obama. So if they do reject it out of hand they may answer for it.



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