
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rush Limbaugh: If Romney Loses, GOP Dies

     C'mon, What more incentive do you need to support President Obama? We just have to put him over the top and...

      "Leading conservative talk show hosts Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham are both arguing that the Republican party will or should be shut down if Mitt Romney loses in November -- an idea that, however hard to believe, gives you an indication of the right wing's dissatisfaction with the Republican party."

    "If you can't beat Barack Obama with this record, then shut down the party. Shut it down, start new, with new people. Because this is a gimme election, or at least it should be," Ingraham said on her radio program yesterday. "Election after election, we hire people who have lost previous campaigns, who have run campaigns that have failed, who have messaged campaigns where the message fell flat, and they keep getting re-hired."

    "Where Ingraham made an argument, Limbaugh made a prediction: The Republicans would fall, but not before blaming the conservative base for their woes and opening a window for a third, more conservative party to take their place."

     "If Obama wins, let me tell you what it's the end of: The Republican Party. There's gonna be a third party that's gonna be oriented toward conservatism. I know Rand Paul thinks libertarianism. And I know if Obama wins, the Republican Party is gonna try to maneuver things so conservatives get blamed," he said.

    "The only problem is, right now Romney's not running a conservative campaign. But they're gonna set it up to say, 'Well, the right sat home,' or, 'The right made Romney be other than who he is.' They'll try to deflect the blame, but they got who they want."

     What's notable is this is the kind of talk you expect to hear after the election. Yet, we're already hearing about what happens if Romney loses two months before November 6. Obviously, a really good sign-and major incentive. What we also know, is that conservatives can never admit conservatism is beaten. If Romney loses it will be because he's a Massachusetts Moderate.

     The polls continue to look good as well. There was the on poll from ABC and the Washington Post where Obama has only a 1 point lead (49-48) among likely voters-though a better lead among registered-and the media has treated that as somehow the most indicative poll-they hate to give up on how Mitt has a great chance to win.

     I look at it this way. There's never been any challenger to an incumbent who trailed all the way and yet won in the end. Reagain who they always cite led often in 1980-he had a 30 point lead after the RNC that year .

    Romney, meanwhile, has never had a 3 point lead in this race.

    While the ABC poll might suggest that Obama's losing his bounce, Gallup actually showed him gain in both the head to head with Romney-now leading 50-44-and also now has 50% approval vs. only 43% disapproval.

    It's interesting that that his approval and race numbers are almost identical now. CNN yesterday showed him with a 6 point among likely voters-which is a very strong showing as likely voters usually is lower for Democrats. The 52-46 margin was particularly impressive. So we see the President at 50 or higher in some polls now.

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