
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The House GOP: Romney Unpopular in Another Poll

      Evidently the House Republicans aren't such big fans for the Presidential nominee either. If you talk about who you care about, then Romney doesn't get much love in the House GOP.

      "Republican leaders had all kinds of things to talk about in their first day back on Capitol Hill from their month-long recess."

      "They spoke about jobs and the economy, about military spending and automatic budget cuts, about the national debt and the need for energy legislation.

     "But there was one thing House Republican leaders did not mention in their statements to the cameras after Tuesday morning’s caucus: Mitt Romney."

      "They uttered 1,350 words in their opening remarks at the news conference but made no reference to the party standard-bearer who would be at the top of their ticket in just 56 days."

       "NBC’s Luke Russert tried to help the lawmakers address this omission. “Governor Romney said that it was a bad decision for Republicans to agree to the bipartisan debt deal,” he pointed out. “What’s your response to him?”

       "House Speaker John Boehner, who negotiated the deal, looked unwell."

     There are some signs that Republicans are looking past Romney already. Indeed, this was no more clear than in Tampa:

     "The estrangement seen in the past few days is part of a broader dynamic in which the Republican Party seems to be readying itself to cut and run from its nominee. At the convention in Tampa, a gaggle of younger Republicans — Chris Christie, Scott Walker, Nikki Haley, Rand Paul — delivered speeches light on mentions of Romney and heavy on self-promotion. Overall, Romney was mentioned far less at his convention than Obama was at the Democratic convention."

   Actually, what's also interesting is that Paul Ryan has started putting money in his Wisconsin race again. Hmmm. Not a hedge is it?

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