
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Paul Ryan Dipped into ObamaCare: When Will the Truth Matter?

      When discussing Ryan-Romney it's hard to say. They certainly have a very high threshold for dishonesty. The one thing they hate are fact checkers and it's becoming painfully obvious why:

       “The whole aim of practical politics” said H.L. Mencken, “is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

        "With a cynicism that only Mencken could appreciate, the Romney/Ryan campaign appears to have decided to base its entire campaign on such imagined hobgoblins."

        Imagine that Mencken said this without even having seen Romney's welfare ads.

        "But the real essence of the Romney/Ryan campaign became apparent in Vice President nominee Paul Ryan’s acceptance speech. So transparent was this tissue of misdirection that it left Matthew Dowd, a prominent Republican, complaining, “At some point, the truth should matter.”

         Yes! At some point! At what point might this be though? One of Ryan's Big Lies is about ObamaCare and the President's stimulus:

         "Familiar Romney charges that have been found to be misleading or substantively untrue include the charge that Obama removed the work requirement from welfare, that Obama “stole” $716 billion from Medicare to support Obamacare and that the stimulus was a failure.

         Yet, Ryan is on record as using the stimulus funds in Wisconsin. And now it emerges that he actually applied for ObamaCare funds. You know, that horrible socialism that has bankrupted Medicare-if you believe Ryan-Romney. Evidently, we're not yet at the point when the truth matters:

         "Republican vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan is barnstorming the country, promising to repeal every provision of the Affordable Care Act if the Romney-Ryan ticket is elected. But a letter he wrote to the Obama administration may undermine this message."

       "On December 10, 2010, Ryan penned a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services to recommend a grant application for the Kenosha Community Health Center, Inc to develop a new facility in Racine, Wisconsin, an area within Ryan’s district. “The proposed new facility, the Belle City Neighborhood Health Center, will serve both the preventative and comprehensive primary healthcare needs of thousands of new patients of all ages who are currently without healthcare."

     "Explaining his “philosophical difference” with Democrats, Ryan told ABC News this summer that he would seek to repeal the “entire law” because healthcare rights come from “nature and God,” not the government. He expressed dismay that the Supreme Court upheld the law during the interview."

    "Despite Ryan’s quiet support for an Affordable Care Act clinic grant in his district, the Wisconsin congressman’s promise to repeal Obamacare would undermine the law’s five-year plan to rapidly grow the health clinic system in America by withdrawing the necessary funds. The so-called Ryan Budget plan would also decimate other federal support for health clinics, according to an analysis by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities."

     "I don’t know what’s the bigger sin,” says Tom Perriello, a former Democratic congressman who championed health clinics as a supporter of the Affordable Care Act. “The hypocrisy of asking for funding from a program while seeking to repeal it, or that the Republicans have been so much more committed to hurting the president than to helping people that something as uncontroversial as funding for community health centers must be requested in secret.”

    That's an excellent point. The Republican Congress-and Ryan is their intellectual leader as Romney and others say-has sacrificed the good of the country to destroy the President. Even things they agree with they have refused to support. That they hope to benefit by a win in November by the problems caused by their own obstruction is the worst travesty of them all.

     When will the truth matter? Let's make it matter November 6.

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