
Sunday, February 22, 2015

NYC Shakes its Head at Giulani's Tiki Barber Moment

     In today's NY Daily News everyone is trying to figure out where this is coming from. In NY everyone is so perplexed by where this is coming from that the News consults a psychologist who confirms what we're all thinking: Rudy is just going in the wrong direction.

    "There was a time when I thought Rudy Giuliani had some of the basic ingredients of a winning personality — but now he seems to be going in the opposite direction."

     "It seems to me to be in bad taste to say something about the president not loving America. Frankly, it looks like Giuliani’s trying to cause controversy and gain attention for himself."

    "To differ with the president and disagree on policy is one thing. To say these kind of things is very shallow. He looks bad."

    No question at all that he looks bad. There are many who are puzzled by this like Dr. Rossi who once thought Rudy had some of the elements of a winning personality but are now disillusioned. Al Sharpton suggests Rudy needs a hug and points out the undeniable point that the more the former Mayor talks the better it is for Hillary or whoever the Democratic Presidential candidate is-in reality, it's Hillary.

     No doubt, this is a desperate plea for attention. He's getting it but not much  of it favorable here in NY. Maybe at Fox News, or on the Sarah Palin circuit but the reason why reasonable folks like Dr. Rossi previously had favorable views of him was he was supposed to be many orders removed from Sarah Palin Land. 

    Mike Lupica marvels at how long ago it was since he had any relevance at all: that so much time has passed for him to have this outburst makes him look even worse. 

    "It happened fast for Rudy Giuliani last week, the guy Oprah once called “America’s Mayor” sounding like just another loud political has-been, like a road show version of Dick Cheney.

     "Giuliani starts it all off by saying that the President of the United States doesn’t love America. It happens all this time after Giuliani, in the early innings of the 2008 campaign, thought he was the one who was going to be President, at least before he found out how much America didn’t love him."

     "You remember all that. Giuliani was the Republican front-runner and it was going to be him against Hillary Clinton. That was before Giuliani actually had to present himself to voters outside of New York City, as part of a strategy sitting out primaries until he got to Florida. Sheer brilliance. He ended up spending around $50 million to win one delegate."

      "Now he makes news by pandering in an unhinged way to what can only be described as the Sarah Palin wing of the Republican Party, as she was the one going from political irrelevancy to the other side of the clown line, turning herself into a punch line in the process."

     Lupica doesn't think that Giuliani's jibe about 'He doesn't love America like we do' is about race. Unfortunately, I'm not so sure. I'd like to say differently-I'm not one that relishes racial explanations for complex people and events and I resist the 'race card' where possible but you can't tell me that the President's race hurts this kind of narrative. 

      As Lupica points out, it must be frustrating for Giuliani to look at Obama, a guy people actually did want to vote for. This might explain that depth of his Obama Derangement Syndrome (OBDS). 

     Still, when talking about OBDS it's never been possible to wholly abstract race from the discussion as it has a way of raring it's unpleasant head. Is race the sole reason for OBDS? No, as I do remember that there was lots of DS about Bill Clinton and his wife. However, it makes it even more unpleasant. 

     Lupica, however, does touch on an important point: Giuliani wasn't really considered such a winning personality back in 2001 before 9/11.  If I can't wholly gloss the racist angle away I do agree with Lupica that what we have here is a faded sports star trying to make himself relevant again but mostly making himself look very silly. 

    In that sense, call him the Tiki Barber of politics. Lupica also hits on something about the fact that no one really admired Giuliani until 9/11. It was this that kind of gave us the respected Rudy that the Dr. Rossis of the world admire. So many admire Rudy just for that forgetting what came before. 

    With the subject of the President's race always in the background maybe it's fitting that Giuliani has been skewered by some of the NY media's leading Italian American lights. First Lupica, but check out this takedown by another Italian Linda Stasi. She's not disillusioned because she never admired Hizonner in the first place. 

    Ms. Stasi just lets him have it. You bet you weren't raised anything like the President and that speaks well for him!

    I wrote a reivew for 50 Shades of Grey the other day

    but Linda Stasi simply takes the ex Mayor over her knee. 

     "But just between us, I thought you’d like to know that one of your old friends called me the other day to lament, “What happened to the Rudy I used to love and admire?”Damned if I know, I admitted, seeing how I never much loved or admired you in the first place.That, of course, didn’t stop me from venturing a guess: “Perhaps it’s megalomania-infused narcissism with an overlay of overt racism?”

      "Your old pal confessed that she was disgusted by the horrific statements you’ve made over the past few months, most especially the recent ones declaring that President Obama wasn’t brought up like you or me and that he didn’t even love America.Well, Mr. Former Mayor, you’re right! President Obama wasn’t brought up, well, like you anyway."

      "But then again neither was I nor most other Americans.For starters, my father, like Barack Obama’s father — and 99% of other American fathers — never knocked over a milkman at gunpoint like your dad did, Rudy."

     "And while the President’s grandfather, uncle, my father, uncles, brother, cousins, husband and millions of other parents wore and still wear uniforms of the armed forces, your father wore a prison uniform."

   "OK, like you, I was born in Brooklyn of Italian stock, and moved with my family to Long Island when I was a kid. But that’s where our shared upbringing ends.But, unlike you, I always knew that the kid at Sunday dinner was my cousin — therefore not someone I would want to marry."

     See, the fact that she's Italian too gives her extra flavor as she's not shy about going there. Then she mentions they way Rudy treated his wife and kids in public. Lupica has a point that Rudy was not popular before 9/11 because as a New Yorker myself I felt terrible for his wife the way she learned that her husband was leaving her on tv. 

     No one was feeling too good about him then back in 2001. Then 9/11 gave him this whole persona. However, with these latest absurd comments he's squandered a lot of that capital. I agree with Sharpton that it's good for Democrats for him to keep talking. For his own sake though, he really ought to shut up. 

     P.S. Give Lupica credit for being consistent-he wasn't impressed with Rudy in 2008 either.

     If you read this you learn from Lupica that the Rudy that all these folks admired was always more Myth than Reality. Here he shows that Rudy really is the Tiki Barber of politics desperate to relive the glory days.

     What kills Tiki is he left too early but Rudy is making the opposite error of staying too late. 

      See also:





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