
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tax Evader in Chief: How Mitt Romney Can Cut the Deficits

       He loves to run around and claim that he's the guy to cut the budget deficit-not President Obama. I mean, the facts show that this is a lie like so much else that Romney tells us.

       The Paul Ryan budget that he supports would actually increase the deficit as are all the tax cuts for the rich that Mitt wants to do.

       And this is why he actually is the man to cut our deficit. If Mitt could just repatriate all his offshoring money back the US and actually pay his taxes we could not just pay down the budget deficit, we could lap it. We could pay it off seven times over.

        You must appreciate this. Never has a man with such a history of aggressive tax avoidance run for the highest office of the land. How can the chief executive of our country be one of its greatest tax cheats? Yet this is what Mitt Romney has in mind.

        This is no doubt why there is this unprecedented reluctance to simply honor the time worn practice of all candidates for the highest office to make public their tax returns. Not just one year, and an abridged, cursory number for the next, but for the last 10 years as is the practice, a practice, ironically, that was instituted by his father George Romney.

        It's sad to see man smaller than his father but that's what we have in Mitt. It seems to me that every man should dream that he has a son greater than he is but that's not the fate of George Romney. It's a serious issue too, and Americans must demand answers. He must absolutely get that we will not tolerate him playing the old GOP shell game of peeing on your leg and telling you it's raining.

        He must present his tax returns for the last 10 years. His reluctance to do what all politicians do regardless of party tells us that Mitt has a great deal to hide. It must really be bad. We already get that he pays less money than Warren Buffet's secretary. But it's even worse when you realize that this is an aggressive tax avoider and this is unprecedented. This is after all how they got Al Capone.

       Billions of dollars are lost every year because Mitt and his buddies have it out in the Cayman Islands. He tells us not to worry, it's in a blind trust he has a guy watching over it. Not good enough Mr. Romney. You want to be President of this great land you need to open your eyes as you're all too blind.


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