
Monday, July 16, 2012

Romney's Tax Returns: Just How Bad Are They?

      I think by the fact that John McCain vetted them in 2008 over a period of 23 years the outcome of which was that he chose Sarah Palin gives us our answer.

     I mean that's pretty sobering. It's impossible to overstate just how bad Sarah Palin was, just what a failure she was as a candidate. This was someone who they had to sit down and write out index cards about which Korea is our ally and who the combatants were in WWII.

     And, yet, they chose her over Mitt Romney, Mr. I Understand the Economy?!! That really tells you all you need to know about how bad it is. On Saturday, the Conservative Republican Governor of Alabama urged Romney to release his taxes.

     He suggested that 'If your hiding something, maybe you're doing something wrong.' After this, the Obama campaign jumped on the Governor's words. He came back and emphasized that he's not saying  Mr. Bain has done anything wrong, indeed, he's certain he hasn't.

     However, he did continue to urge him to release his tax returns as very candidate since his father in the 1960s has. George Will too is urging Romney to release his taxes, Bill Kristol thinks Mitt is crazy not to release his taxes and wants him to do it "tomorrow."

      Unfortunately it is now tomorrow and Mitt continues to play the silly game of demanding an apology or arguing that the President's attacks are "beneath the dignity of the campaign."

      No, Mr. Romney, you're obstructionism is beneath the dignity of the campaign of President of our country. How can you even dream that we will elect a man who holds us in such low esteem as to think we will let you get away with not playing by the rules of the game that everyone Democrat and Republican, conservative and liberal have played by for over 40 years? You talk about psycho talk?

      . Just what is the Governor hiding? Based on 2010 we saw he payed a 13 percent tax rate. What's likely is that after you factor in all the tax evasion-the Swiss banks, the Bermuda money, the Cayman Islands-at least $30 billion-not to mention the Magic IRA his effective rate is more like 1.3 percent.

       He has never been forced to release his tax returns before, He didn't do it when he ran for Governor back when he claimed he had worked at Bain after 1999 according to him. The new wrinkle: he quit Bain in February, 1999 retroactively. Yes, in 2002, he quit in 1999.

       This is a howler; then again his entire campaign is one long howler, like how he passed Obamacare before he promised to Repeal and Replace it. However, his candidacy is a cruel joke on the American people. Everyday that Mr. Romney stalls and stonewalls this becomes clearer.

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