
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mitt Romney Has no Answer on Bain

          The Romney team has tried everything it can to change the conversation:

          "Don Draper, “Mad Men’s” master of media and perception, said it best: “If you don’t like what is being said, then change the conversation.”


          Yet, it's their attempts at changing the conversation which really show you how desperate they really are. What is their way of changing the conversation?

           Largely via Birther style personal attacks on the President. So John Sununu asks why the President can't "be a real American."

           Again, they can't even do a good job at faking it! This is what they really think of the President of the United States. They have never accepted that he is the legitimately and duly elected President of the United States.

          You have Darrell Issa calling disrespecting him as "Barrack" while continuing to waste tax payer dollars on a witch hunt against the Attorney General where he disrespected the AG in the same way. No doubt, in Issa's heart of hearts, Eric Holder is just a boy.

          Why is it that they keep on with this Birther obsession? They see that Mitt Romney is in a world of hurt. The American people want to see his tax returns as Ron Paul pointed has argued and Romney is thumbing his nose at them.

           What to do to protect Mr. Romeny's foundering campaign? Right a way they go Birther. You have Howie Carr and Rush Limbaugh creating a false equivalence between the request that Romney release his tax returns and some Birther fantasy about wanting to force the President to open up his school transcripts.

           If they are so worried about grades why did they not demand that George W. Bush do the same. We know that he was a very mediocre student with a C- average who only even got into Yale and Harvard Business School because of his father.

           Of course, bigots like Limbaugh and Carr have to presume that anything Obama has achieved in life must be due to nothing but affirmative action, this is what they think of black people. In their world, only white people can have high intelligence-even though Rush himself flunked out of college; according to his mother, he didn't pass even one subject.

          Then we have talk about Obama using drugs-he's admitted in his youth he experimented as many teenagers do. No doubt this will be Darrell Issa's next fishing expedition.

          That all they have are Birther attacks shows you how threadbare the cupboard is. The only other things they have is trying to throw out teases about who they nominee for Vice President might be and when they might announce him-right now the favorites seem to be Rob Portman of Ohio, and of course Minnesota'sTim Pawlenty; Bob Jindal is evidently still in the running though the other two are the favorites.

          Pawlenty seems to me most temperamentally suited for Romney who likes to play it safe. Yet, Pawlenty is considered to be very boring, so maybe Portman is the safest pick. It will certainly be a pro-lifer-as to Drudge's speculation about Condoleeza Rice,,as Erich Erickson put it, 'if they want to create a diversion shouldn't it even be believable?

         The only other trick at this point is to accuse Obama of hating capitalism, and of course, hating America-Rush Limbaugh actually claimed this. That's just his way of saying he hates the President in public. You can bet what these guys say about him when no one's around and you can bet that's the kindest thing.

         The idea that Obama hates free enterprise is predictable as the last refuge, yet as Krugman argues it's not having its usual success:

         "There’s a tone of incredulity to the writings of Romney apologists. It seems as if they can’t believe that the magic words — capitalism! free markets! job creators! — aren’t managing to silence the critics. After all, they say, wasn’t Romney just doing what has been standard for the past 30 years?

         "Actually, we don’t know just how standard his behavior was — and won’t until we see his tax returns, which will probably never happen (there has to be something really explosive in there). In any case, however, the fact that we’ve had a Gordon Gekko economy for 30 years doesn’t make it OK."

        Yes, nothing is working for the Romney apologists.


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