
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

We Love You Sophie Clarke!

     Yes for those new, Diary of a Republican Hater is largely a political blog as the title suggests. But I am also a big fan of Survivor-and actually lots of reality tv. While many are too serious for reality tv, I am happy to tell you I'm not.

      I love reality tv of all kinds. Certainly Survivor. But also, Big Brother. The Real World, Top Chef, American Idol, Amazing Race, Hell's Kitchen...   I can go on and on.

      I love Survivor and I love Sophie Clarke I'm realizing. From all the visitors my posts about her have drawn apparently so do many of you.

       What's fascinating about her is that as she has said in her interviews, watching the show, you don't appreciate how much in control she was. She says that while Coach looks in control, she always new she was. Yet there are different types of control. As Stephen Fishbach puts it, she achieved a "passive dominance." There is active dominance and passive dominance. She was in control but nobody really saw this until it was too late.,,20554967,00.html

      I think this is true but it's partly a gender thing, or issue of sexual difference. Zizek and Lacan admit sexual difference but they say that what makes men and women different is impossible to satisfactorily pigeon hole...

     In all seriousness, Coach was the Alpha male as was Ozzie. This is a good thing but like any strategy you take in Survivor there are strong and weak points to it. When guys like Ozzie and Coach win challenge after challenge it makes them powerful. But just the same, their followers sometimes end up in reality more powerful than them.

     I got to say that move where she demanded that Albert put down his puzzle and help her was classic. I know she came across as a b- there but that for me made her even more attractive. I kind of like the idea that she does have that side to her.  I know some may hold it against her but not me. In Zizkean terms-it's because I enjoy the Other's enjoyment rather than as many do, resenting it.

    As a medical student her million dollar prize is going to take care of her student loans and allow her to concentrate and her preferred speciality. She says come January she'll be back at school. At 22 years old, the future's so bright she'll have to wear shades.

    She also made a joke on Twitter that she doesn't want to marry a fellow doctor, that she'd rather have a sexy house husband. Uh, Sophie, can I send you my application?

     She said she would like to return for another season. I would love that, love to see if she could do it again. Parvati almost did that, coming in second next time. I know some don't like when people come back a lot but there I got to differ with them.

    I love people who keep coming back. I don't get why at the reunion people were criticizing Brandon's uncle. He played the worst game in history. He came in to be the best saint not the best Survivor and he's one I'm not a fan of.

    I like the idea of bringing them both back. Next show starts February so there's not too much time for withdrawals.

    I wish you all the luck in the world Sophie. You already have had some but I hope you enjoy what you've accomplished and good luck in the medical career. Hope to be hearing more about you.



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