
Thursday, December 22, 2011

House GOP Falls off Limb They Went Out On

      Talk about overreaching. There sure is egg all over the collective faces of the Tea Party dominated House now.

      Turns out "my way or the high way" doesn't always work. The fact is that Obama had already given up quite a bit-he had to give up on the idea of increasing the amount of the payroll tax cut to 3.1% and he did give the Senate Republicans they're pound of flesh.

      But if you have to know where to hold em, you have to know when to say yes and finally the Tea Party has seen that the politics of "No" takes you only so far.

      After the huge Senate majority that oped for the 2 month extension, the House inexplicably tried to demand even more hostages. They next wanted to chop unemployment benefits back from a maximum of 99 weeks to only 56 weeks and continue the federal government pay freeze another year.

     In the end even many Republicans said enough is enough. Even the Wall Street Journal editorial page said enough is enough. They claimed that Obama was being set up as a tax cutter while supposedly raising taxes a bunch of times-that last part is a misnomer, he has actually cut many taxes, and what we are learning is the GOP only likes cutting taxes on the wealthy or as they put it "on the supply side", but they did admit that the House GOP was making itself look real bad.

    To claim that you are concerned about the famous "business uncertainty" while in fact making things a good deal more uncertain as most economic forecasters believe that failing to extend the cut risks up to half a percent of GDP next year was too much chutzpah even for the WSJ editorial page-saying a lot as they wrote the book on chutzpah, I mean when was the last time they failed to defend the latest Republican bad policy idea?

    What is important is the House Republicans now realize that there are limits to how much liberty you can take with the American people. This game of Operation Tank the Economy had seemed to be good politics. Turns out not as good as they thought.


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