
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Mr. Anonymous Reader's Epic Fail On European Anti-Immigration

     I usually hate to be rude in comments. I appreciate each and every reader I get and whether I agree or not I feel like I should treat their ideas respectfully and seriously.

     This reader who keeps his identity anonymous however left me a comment that I can't treat seriously. There's nothing wrong with being anonymous by the way or if you want to reveal your identity. Either is fine. But Mr. Anonymous left me a few comments in the last few days. He is some kind of Righty.

     But here's the comment he left in my comment box yesterday to this post entitled, "Why Britain, Europe and Japan Need More Immigration."

     "Protecting your country's ethnic and cultural heritage is more important than the economy."

      This comment I find appalling. The whole point of the post is that Europe and Japan hurt themselves by worrying about some mystical "cultural heritage" and yet here is Mr. Anonymous actually claiming that it is better to continue to have stagnant economic growth then compromise your racial purity. I guess I just have a hard time believing that there are people who actually feel like this in this day and age.

      Obviously though I'm too optimistic. Obviously Mr. Anonymous is in accord with the attitude of Europe and Japan-and Jan Brewer's Arizona.

     I maintain though that this is what Europe sorely needs. If anyone other than simple minded bigots ever gets near power in these countries this is what they should implement.


    The Holy Book of Racial Government
    Racial Righteousness

  2. OK now you have me convinced. WOW. Talk about cuckoo for cocoa puffs
